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Online:Enthis Hlan

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Enthis Hlan
Home Settlement Nimalten
Location Outside the Thane's Hall
Riverside Inn
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Enthis Hlan

Enthis Hlan is a Dark Elf silk merchant found in Nimalten. He's had a bit of bad luck... until you come along.

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You can find him at the landing on the stairs leading to the Thane's Hall after Concealed Weapons is complete. He accuses Turil of arranging bandits to steal his silk and he would like you to deal with the bandits to take back the silk:

"I'm going to kill that old Dunmer. He's probably laughing, enjoying a drink, thinking me dead."
Who? What are you talking about?
"Turil, that old netch. He set bandits after me! They assaulted me on the road and took my silk. I want the bandits dead, and Turil in irons!"
Have you reported him to the thane's guard?
"They said they're dealing with the bandits, but don't believe me about Turil. He did this, I am certain!
I'll pay you if you get my silk from him. I've looked for him throughout the town, except the Inn. I bet he's there."
I'll get your silk back.

Speaking to him again:

"Get back my silk from Turil. Hopefully he puts up a fight and you have to murder him.
You know, I'd pay you extra if that happens."

If you speak to him after speaking to Turil, he'll gloat:

"You're going to the bandits to get back my silk? So Turil did hire them! I knew it, I knew it!"

If you have the silks, he can be found at the Riverside Inn sitting at the same table with his rival:

"Is … is this my silk?"
You hired Chanda to attack Turil.
"I … I had to! Turil steals my customers, bad-mouths my wares. Plus, I have a starving family in Stonefalls. Would you doom my poor family?"
Fine. Take the silk.
"You … you're a hero to honest businessmen everywhere. I'll teach my children songs about you! Look at Turil glowering. I hope he gets a disease and drowns in his own fluids."
I need to think about this.
<Ends conversation>
Neither of you deserve it.
<Ends conversation>

If you choose to give the silks to him and haven't turn in the quest yet, he will alternatively say:

"The Three smile on me today. My silk sits again in my stores, and Turil must wallow in his misery."
Here is your silk. (Leads to quest completion dialogue)

If you burn the silks and give Enthis the bad news:

"My hero returns with my spun gold. I'll buy you a pint as soon you…"
Just stop talking. I've destroyed the silk.
"Sheogorath must have touched my mind. I could have sworn you just said the silk has been destroyed."
You're a liar and a cheat, Enthis.
"Oh, you're a priest now? Morally superior? To Oblivion with you! You know, I may just buy Turil a drink. Yes. Have a little chat about who's going to stab you to death!"

If you burn the silks, exiting and talking to him again before turning the quest in to him, he threatens you when you turn in:

"If we were in the Ashlands, I'd have you clapped in irons on one of father's plantations!"
You're a liar and a cheat, Enthis. (Leads to quest completion dialogue)

If you gave the silk to Turil but haven't turn in the quest:

"My silk. You gave him my silk…."

After the quest, if you got rid of the silk:

"You think me a peddler. That I'm not a threat. You don't know me, but you will."

If you gave the silks to Turil:

"Taking coin from Turil. To steal from me? The Three take you!"

If you did give him the silks:

"Well, I've lost almost my entire shipment. But Turil doesn't even have this! His misery is like sweet nectar to me."