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Online:Faven Llerayn

< Elder Scrolls Online: People(Redirected from Online:Faven llerayn)
Faven Llerayn
Location Cave northeast of Fall's Path Wayshrine
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Health 0 (Dead)
Other Information
Faction(s) House Telvanni
Faven llerayn

Faven Llerayn was a Dark Elf spellwright of House Telvanni. His body can be found in a waterside cave northeast of Fall's Path Wayshrine, there will be a trail of journal pages leading to his body which tells his story.

He was travelling back to Ald Isra from High Isle with his master when the ship was attacked by Hadolids. Faven was kept alive and eventually brought to the cave, where he found himself being forced to teach the juvenile Hadolid Runts spellcasting. He eventually learnt he was in West Weald, and attempted to escape.

The presence of the Hadolid Warlocks in the area suggest his teachings have had some effect.