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Filer Eru
Location Index Chamber
Species Watchling
Reaction Friendly
Store Type Merchant
Filer Eru

Filer Eru is a watchling that can be found in the Infinite Archive Index Chamber.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

Index ChamberEdit

He will say the following while you talk to him in the chamber:

"Master Malkhest may be an excellent researcher, but he is ill-equipped for the perils of battle. You know what I'm referring to."
"Those creatures may have superior forces, but we have what they lack. Fleshy limbs and a good, violent disposition!"
"Filer Myx won't let me file my sections into barricades. This is combat! Battlements and defenses are a requirement."

Infinite ArchiveEdit

You can find them during the completion of the Archive. They serve as a merchant there:

Filer Eru: "Jolly good and well done. These enemies were hardly a challenge for you."
Filer Eru: "You performed marvelously. Claim your reward and travel to the next batch of vile enemies."
Filer Eru: "Never fear, the cavalry has arrived! Oh, they're all gone. Well then."
Filer Eru: "I missed the battle? Ah, well. There's always the next one."
Filer Eru: "Just the mortal we needed. None shall best your ink-slaying prowess!"
Filer Eru: "Right this way, mortal. To me and your well deserved rewards!"
Filer Eru: "Confound my timing! I missed it. Ah well, I'm sure you fought well."
Filer Eru: "Over here, mortal. With the rewards. I do hope you'll choose something interesting."

You can speak to them:

"What an exciting time to be in the archive. The maligraphies can pop out at any moment!
Be on your guard, mortal. We must not let the enemy catch us unaware."
"Some Verses allow you to transform your mortal visage into terrifying creatures.
I always hope those are offered to you. They look like a smashing good time."
"I and the rest of the filers are ready to carry on your good work should you fall.
The enemy awaits! Make your way to the portal and to glory!"

You can also encounter them as you fight the enemies, they will arrive as you enter the stage:

Filer Eru: "That Malkhest fellow said you'd be here."
Filer Eru: "Ah, good. I haven't missed the big show."
Filer Eru: "It's been far too long since there was some action around here!"
Filer Eru: "What a fine time it is for bloodshed and violence!"
Filer Eru: "I want to see what you make of this battlefield."
Filer Eru: "An archival wing that fights back? I'm thrilled!"

While fighting:

Filer Eru: "I like my tomes with a bit of life to them."
Filer Eru: "Crush the enemies. Show them what for!"
Filer Eru: "This beats just reading about great battles."
Filer Eru: "Aww. The bloodshed will be lost in this environment."
Filer Eru: "Dazzle the enemy with your superior skills!"
Filer Eru: "Marvelous. Positively martial!"
Filer Eru: "Go on. Hit them. Hit them!"
Filer Eru: "Bask in your hard-earned glory!"
Filer Eru: "You're a marvelous combatant. These fights are to die for!"
Filer Eru: "Squash them! Make them rue the day they challenged you."
Filer Eru: "Onward, solider. Brace for the fight."
Filer Eru: "This is just the sort of excitement we needed here."
Filer Eru: "Ready yourself. They charge once more!"

After you clear a stage:

Filer Eru: "Such feats of strength and violence. I look forward to your next demonstration."
Filer Eru: "Don't mind me. I'll just look elsewhere for the spoils of war."
Filer Eru: "Ah, I was just about to join in, but I see my services are unneeded."
Filer Eru: "You gave the pesky maligraphies a sound thrashing."
Filer Eru: "That was fantastic! Truly a battle worth witnessing."
Filer Eru: "You're still alive! Mortals who don't die are quite hard to come by."

Replication EliminationEdit

After defeating the boss, during Replication Elimination they may come to collect the nymic. He can say one of the following:

Filer Eru: "I've come to retrieve the nymic fragment. Carry on!"
Filer Eru: "Take no heed of me. I'm delighted to act as your humble nymic courier."
Filer Eru: "Good show! Master Malkhest requires this fragment. So I'll just pop it over to him, shall I?"
Filer Eru: "Ah, the violent tendencies of mortals with much to lose. I'll bring your spoils to Master Malkhest."
