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Online:Foot Soldier

< Elder Scrolls Online: Classes

Foot Soldiers (also called Bravos, Recruits, and Warriors) are a class of hostile humanoid NPCs that attack using a mix of melee and ranged abilities. They are usually equipped with a one-handed sword. They are one of the most basic and common classes in the game.

Types of Foot SoldiersEdit

Location Name Race Gender Health
Muth Gnaar Vereansu Warrior Dunmer Varies 31,364
Silent Mire Renrijra Deckhand Khajiit Varies 31,364
Northwind Mine Stonetalon Clanslayer Breton Varies 31,364
Clearwater Camp Clearwater Corsair Bosmer Varies 42677
Hatching Pools Dominion Recruit Bosmer Varies 31,364

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Quick Strike
A basic melee attack that does minor physical damage.
Heavy Attack
A heavy melee attack that does moderate physical damage. It can be blocked to set the enemy off balance.
Throw Dagger
The enemy backs away from the target and throws a dagger at the target. This attack snares, deals minor physical damage then very minor bleed damage over time. This attack can be interrupted to set the enemy off balance. The dagger can be blocked to prevent the snare and the bleed.
A combo move that is only performed if Archers, Fire Mages or other fire using enemies (Flame Atronachs, Scamps etc.) are around. The enemy throws a glob of tar under the player's feet as indicated by a red circle. While this does no damage, standing in it will snare the player. The Soldier will call for the other enemy to light the tar (usually accompanied by a voice clip) and the red circle will burn, doing moderate flame damage over time to enemies within the red circle.