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Online:Gaspard Spletis

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Gaspard Spletis
Home Settlement Fell's Run
Race Breton Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Gaspard Spletis
Gaspard fishing after Frightened Folk is complete

Gaspard Spletis is a Breton found in the town of Fell's Run. He is sitting near the bridge leading to Northpoint.

Related QuestsEdit


Before the related quest, he'll only tell you:

"No, no. I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to stay right here. Yes. Right here."

After the quest, he'll be fishing in the river by the stone bridge to the north.

"I sure do love fishing. Fishing is fun. I could fish all day."

Quest-Related EventsEdit

Once the quest has started, he'll elaborate:

"No. I'm not coming. No, I'm not. Don't even ask. I'll come back, but only when Gaillard says it's safe. Yes, that's right. Only when Gaillard says.
Gaillard told me to stay right here until then."
Who is Gaillard and why did he tell you to stay here?
"Gaillard is my friend. He looks after me since my parents died.
Gaillard said it isn't safe in town. No, no. That constable. Gaillard recognized him from Daggerfall. Said he was a bad man. Gaillard went to meet the constable, but never came back."
Where did he go to meet the constable?
"Gaillard went to meet the constable in the constable's new house. Just there to the south.
It used to be the fisherman's house, but the constable took it. The fisherman just went away. I hope Gaillard didn't go away, too."