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Online:General Quintilius

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
General Quintilius
Location Rawl'kha Temple
Race Imperial Gender Male
Health 133844 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile Class Nullifier
Other Information
Faction(s) Imperial Legion
General Quintilius

General Quintilius is a vision of the Imperial that killed Khali's mother. He appears during her part of The First Step in the Rawl'kha Temple.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Quick Strike
A basic melee attack that does minor physical damage.
A melee attack that causes moderate physical damage and knock back if it connects. This attack can be blocked to set the enemy off balance.
Ice Cage
The Nullifier summons a ring of frost around itself that does moderate frost damage over time to all players in the red circle.
Negate Magic
The Nullifier creates a globe of magic suppression for 10 seconds, removing and preventing all player area of effect abilities from occurring in the area. Players within the globe will be silenced. Silence prevents players from using any ability costing Health, Magicka, Ultimate or have no cost at all as long as they are in the affected area.

Quest Related EventsEdit

A vision of General Quintilius

In Khali's third vision, you'll witness Quintilius standing over her mother's body:

General Quintilius: "Hah. They sent a house cat to fight their battles. Desperate failure."
Namu: "Khali … Shazah … be safe …."

In the next room of the trial, you will need to defeat him. He'll say several things as his health decreases. At 80% health:

General Quintilius: "You're weak, just like your mother!"

At 60% health:

General Quintilius: "Your strikes lack strength!"

At 30% health:

General Quintilius: "You … you bastards!"