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Online:Georgia Matine

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Georgia Matine
Home Settlement Fell's Run
Location The Run Inn
Race Breton Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Georgia Matine

Georgia Matine is a Breton working at The Run Inn, the inn located in the town of Fell's Run.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

She is sweeping the floors upstairs at the inn. Approaching her, she is annoyed first:

"Look, I've just about had it...
Oh! I'm sorry. I thought you were that lecherous bailiff again. He tries to grope me every time I bring him a drink."
You don't appreciate the bailiff's advances?
"Gall and pox! Of course not! I'm a barmaid, not a strumpet!
Besides, I know his type. He may talk sweet, but get him behind closed doors and he turns mean. I try to avoid his kind."
Any idea how to distract him?
"What? From looking at my bottom? If I knew how to make him stop, I would have done it hours ago.
No. I just want him to leave me alone."

You can convince Bailiff Sagabar to hit on poor Georgia and he'll then walk over to the put-upon waitress:

Bailiff Sagabar: "You have quite a figure for a dirty peasant. Come. Have a drink with me."
Georgia Matine: "You pig! I wouldn't have a drink with you if you were the last man on Nirn!"
Bailiff Sagabar: "What a wonderful spirit you have! Normally someone like yourself would be beneath me, but today I feel like taking a chance. What do you say?"


Prior to starting Frightened Folk, she'll warn you:

"You can always look, dearie, but don't touch. I'm a barmaid, not a trollop."

Afterward the quest is completed she'll say:

"You know, now that he's gone, I almost miss the way that bailiff stared at my bottom. No one else around here seems to even notice me anymore."


  • If you persuaded Sagabar to hit on her, Georgia will make the comment about the bailiff being gone while Sagabar is still in the inn before using the sleeping draught and finding evidence against him. ?


  • She will disappear after Fell's Justice is started or if you choose not to go through the persuasion route of distracting Sagabar.