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Online:Ginus Maryon

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Ginus Maryon
Home Settlement Fell's Run
Hoarfrost Downs
Location The Run Inn
Dusklight Inn
Race Breton Gender Male
Health 39,959 (Fell's Run)
25,974 (Dusklight Inn)
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Medium Profession Commoner
Ginus Maryon

Ginus Maryon is a Breton who can be found at the Run Inn in Fell's Run. You'll find him upstairs enjoying his drink. He can also be found upstairs at the Dusklight Inn in Hoarfrost Downs.

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If you speak to him at The Run Inn prior to starting Frightened Folk or after Fell's Justice, he'll tell you:

"I'm working up the nerve to go back over to my usual chair at the table. I just keep thinking I hear that bailiff coming back."

While you are finding a means to distract the Bailiff Sagabar, you can ask him but he will refuse to act as one:

"You know, I've been drinking at this inn for years, and I always sit in the same chair. Right over there. But that bothersome new bailiff made me leave.
Said the table is his and I should drink over here. What an arse!"
You want to help me distract him?
"No. Not me. I'm not what you'd call a brave man.
When someone insults me, I much prefer to just send dirty looks and bad thoughts their direction."

At the Dusklight Inn, he says:

"What can I do for you?"