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Online:Guendeline Ascenge

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Guendeline Ascenge
Home Settlement Hoarfrost Downs
House Ascenge House
Race Breton Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
Guendeline Ascenge

Guendeline Ascenge is a Breton who can be found inside her house in Hoarfrost Downs. Her brother is Deputy Ascenge and she is also the object of Julien Rissiel's affections.

Related QuestsEdit

  • The Lover: Help recruit a reluctant lover to the Shornhelm Guard.


If you speak with her in her house before trying to recruit Julien Rissiel.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not actually entertaining guests right now. Not much in the mood, really. You're welcome to come calling another time."

Quest-Related EventsEdit

After speaking with Julien and seeing that he wishes to get a marriage promise before enlisting, you can call in on Guendeline to see how she feels about him. However, it seems she is no mood for suitors, particularly Julien.

"Don't get me wrong. You're very attractive, and I'm sure you're very nice. But I'm not seeing any new suitors.
I have my hands full already with that pathetic young man you probably saw standing around outside."
You don't like Julien?
"It's not that I don't like him. He's brave, kind, and handsome. He's perfectly … acceptable. He's just not very exciting. I don't know that I love him.
I'm not even sure he loves me. I keep trying to tell him it's just some childish infatuation."
What would it take for him to win your heart?
"I don't know. I want the feeling from the story books! I want my skin to flush and my heart to quicken. I want butterflies in my stomach and to be unsure whether to laugh or cry.
Julien just makes me bored. Someone in town has to be more romantic!"

If you speak with her afterwards, she will want some space.

"This business with Julien—I don't want to give him the wrong idea. I need time to think right now. I hope you can understand."

After getting some advice from the townsfolk, you advise Julien on the nature of his romantic gesture towards Guendeline. However she reacts will depend on the gift.

If you give her the some rare Dunlain Daisies, you will find that they give her hayfever.

Julien sends these daisies to express his love.
"Please … no! Get them away! Flowers make me sneeze—especially daisies!
Does Julien know nothing about me? Didn't he even bother to ask my brother what I would like? That's it! I'm done with Julien. Tell him to leave me alone—forever!"
It was an honest mistake. Can't you give Julien another chance?
"I'm sorry, but no. This juvenile obsession Julien's been nursing has gone on long enough. This just proves that we simply weren't meant to be.
I do not love Julien, nor will I ever. Please, just ask him to leave me alone."

If you talk with her afterwards.

"You know, the truth is that this was partially my fault for leading Julien on in the first place. I knew he wasn't the one. I won't torture that poor boy any longer."

In the case of Julien reciting poetry to Guen, there will be three poems which will give different reactions. His self-authored poem:

Julien Rissiel: "Fair Guendeline, come forth and hear my words of love!"
Guendeline Ascenge: "This should be interesting."
Julien Rissiel: "I look at you coming down the stair …."
Julien Rissiel: "And I wonder, did you forget to brush your hair …?"
Guendeline Ascenge: "My hair …? How could you embarrass me like this? Go away, Julien. Go away and never come back."
Julien Rissiel: "I guess maybe I should've planned that better. What have I done? I've ruined my whole life in two sentences!"

The Orcish Love Poem:

Julien Rissiel: "Fair Guendeline, come forth and hear my words of love!"
Guendeline Ascenge: "This should be interesting."
Julien Rissiel: "The skin of your neck exudes an animal stench …."
Julien Rissiel: "I want to pull your hair and call you a …."
Guendeline Ascenge: "Stop! Please, just … no more. That's the most vile poetry I've ever heard! Go away, Julien. For good this time!"
Julien Rissiel: "I guess that's it then. I thought that was quite good, myself. But without her … oh, what will I do?"

If you talk to het after she rejects Julien:

"That was so insulting. Julien is clearly not suitable material for a woman of my station."

The poem from Adrone Larocque's book:

Julien Rissiel: "Fair Guendeline, come forth and hear my words of love!"
Guendeline Ascenge: "This should be interesting."
Julien Rissiel: "I look to the firmament and thirteen constellations do I see …."
Julien Rissiel: "But even the stars look dark and lonely without thee …."
Guendeline Ascenge: "But in your eyes, there is enough light, to guide me through any night …. Oh Julien! That's my favorite poem! We were meant for each other! I love you and I will wait for you!"
Julien Rissiel: "I go to war now, my love. But when I return, we shall be married."

If you talk to her after she accepts Julien:

"Who would have guessed that Julien and I would end up together? When he spoke those words, I understood what love truly is."

If Julien has jewelry crafted for her and has you present it, she will admire the artistry and will accept Julien's proposal.

"This business with Julien—I don't want to give him the wrong idea. I need time to think right now. I hope you can understand."
I have something for you. It's a gift from Julien.
"Gods! Such exquisite work! It's … it's beautiful! I had no idea Julien had such good taste. And I guess this means he has some coin, too!
Tell Julien that my feelings for him have grown. Tell him I love him and I will wait for him."

If you talk to her again after giving her the necklace:

"You know what? I'm honestly surprised. I just didn't think Julien had it in him.
But this necklace … I've never seen the like. Now I know. This is what love feels like."