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Home City Bergama
Race Redguard Gender Male
Health 25,974
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Medium Profession Commoner

Hahdoh is a Redguard commoner found in the city of Bergama. He stands in the Bergama Bazaar across the path from Sun's Blessing Tannery. Hahdoh lost his herd of goats to goblins from Divad's Chagrin Mine.


He will tell you about his missing goats:

"Wayfarer, what interest have you in a goat herder with no goats?"
A goat herder without goats? How'd that come to be?
"Goblins. Cursed, cursed Goblins happened. They stole much of my herd in the middle of the night. Those remaining were lost to snakes that had taken to calling the oasis their home. There is no end to my troubles these days."
Where could Goblins hide in a place like the desert?
"Where? I'll tell you where. Here, give me your map, wayfarer. There's an old mine on the cliffs overlooking Goat's Head Oasis. That's where you'll find the dirt eating creatures."


  • Speaking to him will mark Divad's Chagrin Mine on your map.