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Online:Hloenor Chill-Owl

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Hloenor Chill-Owl
Home Settlement Fort Amol
Race Nord Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Ebonheart Pact
Hloenor Chill-Owl

Hloenor Chill-Owl is a Nord soldier of the Ebonheart Pact found at Fort Amol.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

Sleeping on the JobEdit

Before the quest, she will be overlooking from a bridge:

"What a gathering of diverse troops! Nords and Dark Elves and Argonians, side by side and all together!
Just let the Stormfists try to cause trouble here. They wouldn't stand a chance."

After you found Thod, you will return to the bridge to find only Hloenor there. She will mention that Yjarnn left with Thod to the barracks which conflicts with you finding Thod. She will try to prove you wrong by asking you to go to the barracks to see for yourself that the commander and Thod will be there:

"Oh, if you're still looking for Thod, I wouldn't worry about it. He and the Commander headed for the barracks. Thod's getting an earful, I'm sure.
I apologize if we wasted your time."
But I just left Thod. He was asleep by the river.
"I'm sure it was one of the other guards. There are a lot of us and we're known to relax with a bottle of mead or two. When we're off duty. And never to excess.
So really, I wouldn't worry about it."
I know who I found.
"Listen, I saw them both just a moment ago. And unlike the Commander, I slept last night.
Now it's not that I don't believe you found a drunk Nord by the river—it wouldn't be the first time—it's just that it can't be Thod. I can prove it"
What do you mean?
"Both the Commander and Thod headed toward the barracks on the west side of town. If you hurry, you should be able to catch up with them.
Then you can go get a drink and relax. Seems like you could use it."

If you speak to her again, she says:

"Both the Commander and Thod were heading towards the barracks. I'm sure you can catch up with them if you hurry."

Returning to her after investigating Marla's House and dealing with Marla's imposter. You will notify her that Fildgor's spies have infiltrated the fort, which will make her take the matter more seriously:

"I'm afraid you just missed Commander Yjarnn. Again.
He was in a hurry. He always seems to run when everyone else around here just saunters."
Yjarnn is dead! The man you saw is an imposter.
"Have you been drinking with Thane Jeggi and the soldiers?"
No. Yjarnn's body is in Marla's house. Along with Marla and, well, Marla, and some others.
"What? All of this in Marla's house? You have to understand how strange this sounds. You're telling me that the Commander I was just speaking to is actually dead?
And there are others? Including two dead Marlas?"
Fildgor's spies have infiltrated Fort Amol!
"After that story, I think I might be the one who needs a drink! Well, thanks for the information. I'll make sure to look into these accusations as soon as I can.
But you're not going to give up on this, are you?"

The Pride of a PrinceEdit

Continuing on from the previous conversation, she doesn't want the entire garrison and Pact delegation to panic about the Stormfist infiltration. She advises relaying this information to Lord Vurlop who will know will how to deal with it discreetly:

"Listen, let's say I believe you. Let's say there are Stormfist agents impersonating people in Fort Amol.
Even if all of this is true, we can't start a panic. The leaders of the Pact are here, for Kyne's sake!"
So you just want me to let people die?
"No, no, no—I didn't say that! I just don't want you running around crying murder, especially with the Pact delegations here. Think of how fragile our alliance already is.
You should speak to Lord Vurlop. Tell him what you told me."
What will talking to Lord Vurlop accomplish?
"He's the Jarl's advisor. He has his hand in everything that happens around here.
Tell him what you told me. Leave nothing out. Vurlop's smart. If what you say is true, and by Kyne I hope it isn't, he'll know what to do—without causing a panic."
Where can I find Vurlop?

She tells you to check the inn to find the lord although she has some reservations about your discovery:

"You'll probably find Lord Vurlop in the inn. Like most Nords, he enjoys his mead. And I understand that nobles can get particularly thirsty when the King is in town."
You don't believe me, do you?
"You have to look at this from my point of view.
A stranger walks into town and makes outlandish claims about spies and imposters and murders. How do I know that you're not one of these Stormfist traitors trying to cause trouble?"
Check Marla's house. That will confirm my story.
"You certainly are insistent, I'll grant you that much.
Look, I'll check the house as soon as I can. In the meantime, go talk to Lord Vurlop. Shor's Bones, if there really are spies in Fort Amol, His Lordship will know what to do."

The War CouncilEdit

Hloenor Chill-Owl
Home Settlement Fort Amol
Location Jarl's Manor
Race Nord Gender Female
Health 66,924 Difficulty  
Reaction Hostile Class Assassin

After meeting Dhalen as a projection, a Covenant Nightblade and Covenant Assassin (posing as Hloenor Chill-Owl and Commander Yjarnn respectively) attack you upstairs in the Jarl's Manor. Her disguise falters when her health falls to 50%.

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Quick Strike
A basic melee attack that does minor physical damage.
The enemy spins around, doing moderate physical damage to all players as indicated by a red circle. Blocking will reduce the damage taken.
The enemy strikes at the player's back for moderate physical damage. This attack can only be performed if the enemy is behind the player, and Assassins will often leap to get behind the player. Ensure your character is facing the enemy at all times to prevent this.