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Location Almurbalarammi
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Health 39,959
15,000 (Returning with the potion)
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Follower An Armiger's Duty
Faction(s) Erabenimsun Tribe

Ibaal is a Dark Elf member of the Erabenimsun Tribe who can be found at Almurbalarammi.

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While investigating the camp, you'll suddenly hear a voice behind you:

Ibaal: "Caught in the act! You have much to answer for!"

Speak with him.

"Is this why you sneak through our camp, to desecrate our sacred rites? Do the slaves of the false gods fear us so much they won't even face us themselves?
Why are you here, outlander? Answer truthfully and I may only hobble you."
The Buoyant Armigers believe you've been attacking pilgrims on the road. I'm here for proof.
"Always, they blame us for their ills! If they seek our deaths, they should just come for them!
These ploys and ambushes are the acts of cowards!"
Ambushes? Members of your tribe have been attacked as well?
"Four have vanished since we arrived to find your Armigers building their garish shrine over our ancestral lands.
I suspect they were made prisoners of the false gods. You deny it?"
The Armigers made it clear to me not to attack you, only look around. They don't want a war.
"Those who worship the Three are devious, but if it's true that they do not seek our destruction, I will not invite it.
What will make them leave us be?"
You've been making blood sacrifices; I need to know the pilgrims weren't among them.
"Your pilgrims are not here. They litter the wild with their weakness. A beast's meal, nothing more.
See for yourself. You will find what's left of their camps here, where I have marked your map."
I'll investigate your claims.

He will continue:

"I will seek my own answers. When you have seen what I have seen, meet me at the Helan Ancestral Tomb."
What is it you're looking for?
"My kin remain missing. I will find them regardless of whether you speak truth or lies."
Why meet at Helan Tomb?
"The burial ground has been disturbed recently. Once you see that we are innocent, we will learn if the truth lies with the dead."

If you've killed Ashlanders during your investigation of the camp, you two will have a different version of conversation:

"You invade our camp. Assault my kin. Desecrate our sacred rites! No outlander would do these things for their own sake.
The slaves of the false gods sent you, didn't they? Answer me!"
You've been attacking their pilgrims. What did you expect would happen?
"Lies upon lies! Does it give them pleasure to invent reasons to bring us harm? If they seek our deaths, they should just come for them!
These ploys and ambushes are the acts of cowards!"
Ambushes? You've been attacked before?
"Four have vanished since we arrived to find your Armigers building their garish shrine over our ancestral lands.
Made prisoners of the false gods, or struck down by the likes of you, no doubt."
The Armigers only sent me to find proof you attacked the pilgrims. I just didn't avoid a conflict.
"Your reasons mean nothing to me. I would kill you if I did not think it would give the slaves of the false gods another excuse to do harm.
What proof do you need? What will make them leave us be?"
You've been making blood sacrifices; I need to know the pilgrims weren't among them.
"Your pilgrims are not here. They litter the wild with their weakness. A beast's meal, nothing more.
See for yourself. You will find what's left of their camps here, where I have marked your map."
Fine. I'll investigate your claims.
"I will seek my own answers. When you have seen what I have seen, meet me at the Helan Ancestral Tomb."
What is it you're looking for?
"My kin remain missing. I will find them regardless of whether you speak truth or lies."
Why meet at Helan Tomb?
"The burial ground has been disturbed recently. Once you see that we are innocent, we will learn if the truth lies with the dead."
I'm sorry for attacking your people.
"Save your words. I will not forgive you, but I will forget this grudge if you put an end to the violation of our tribe."

After you've done with your investigations, go to the Helan Ancestral Tomb and you'll find Ibaal waiting for you:

"You have investigated the camps? Do you still believe we are to blame?"
No. Whatever killed those people tore them apart like a ravenous beast.
"The work of carrion animals, I thought. Now, I'm not so sure. When I found the bloody tracks leading to this tomb, I heard wailing within.
If one of your pilgrims disturbed the ancestor spirits, perhaps it is their wrath we have witnessed."
You didn't investigate further?
"I will not invade an ancestor tomb. No Ashlander would be welcome in such a place. They are as unclean and treacherous as the Three.
You may test if the trespass of outlander feet is of less offense, but I will remain here."
I'll let you know what I find.

Speaking to him again before heading in:

"Be quick about your work in there and be wary of traps. Ancestor spirits are not known for their hospitality."

Investigate the tomb and rescue frightened Dunmer named Baren Maloren. Return to Ibaal and he'll ask:

"In hindsight, the wailing was too pathetic to have been the angry dead.
What did your sniveling pilgrim have to say for himself?"
He said he was attacked by something called "The Ruddy Man."
"Only a fool would believe that. The mad jibberings of a scared scrib.
We cannot go chasing myths. Did the weakling provide us nothing of value?"
He said the monster came upon them from atop the nearby glass mine.
"What you call glass mine, we know as an ancient dreugh spawning grounds. The slaves of the false gods have disturbed these beasts, now we all pay the price."
That remains to be seen. Regardless, something is getting in and out of the mine despite the guards.
"Then we will see where this path takes us. The tracks that brought me here will surely lead us to our quarry."
Let's go.

He will then turn to the direction of the mine.

Ibaal: "The glass mine is not far. Lead on."

If you speak to him on the way, he'll say:

"The tracks will tell us what we need, but step cautiously on this hunt. I will not be your minder here."

If you are heading in the wrong direction, he will warn you:

Ibaal: "You are going the wrong way. Stale tracks are of no use."

Arrive at the glass mine and Ibaal will say:

Ibaal: "There are many tracks here. Look! Above!"

High on a platform, a dreugh waits then turns and goes behind the rocks:

Ibaal: "Why does it hesitate? Do we scare you 'Ruddy Man'?"
Ibaal: "It flees. It wants no part of prey that can wound it."
"Was that the creature the pilgrims fear? This 'Ruddy Man' of legend? It is skulking vermin inflated by the lies of a false god, nothing more."
That looked like no dreugh I've ever seen.
"Dreugh are not usually cunning, this much is true … now that it knows we hunt it, this creature may wait us out in its lair."
With what we know, we might convince the Armigers to clear out the mine sooner than planned.
"They will not trust the word of an Ashlander, and we know the creature easily eludes them.
You must hunt it. You must kill it."
Why me?
"Who else, outlander? The slaves of the false gods will never allow me to trespass their domain and the task is beyond them.
This falls to you, or no one."
Very well, I'll find and kill this thing. Ruddy Man or not.
"If this creature is of the dreugh, it may share their weaknesses. I will consult our Wise Women, they may know something that will aid you in this hunt.
Convince the pawns of the Three of what you have found. I will meet you at the mine's entrance."
Do the Ashlanders have any legends of the Ruddy Man?
"It is an invention of the Three. A fable of great deeds to serve the vanity of a false god.
To see it is to know they speak no truths."

Head to the entrance of the Dreudurai Glass Mine and speak to Captain Naros. Finish your conversation and Ibaal approaches:

Captain Naros: "What now? An Ashlander! Keep your distance! Understand?"
Ibaal: "Peace, Armigers. I must speak with the outlander, that is all."
Captain Naros: "If you wish to hear him out, I'll permit it, but don't let your guard down."

Speak to him and he'll tell you:

"The Wise Women cannot say if your quarry is what you think, but they have shared their knowledge of dreugh with me.
They offer a mixture to lure the creature out. Spill this in the Ruddy Man's den and it will show itself."
Just like that? The monster will face me?
"It works on the dreugh. That is all I can say.
Be wary in its lair. If that thing took my kin, then it is more dangerous than it leads on."
"You have proven yourself capable, for an outlander. Avenge our lost warriors."
What can you tell me about hunting dreugh?
"Trust the Wise Womens' mixture.
Dreugh crave a dark, dank place from which to snatch unsuspecting prey. Drive them from this safety and they are no danger to skilled warriors."

Return from the mine and speak to him before speaking to Captain Naros:

"Your Armiger waits for answers. Tell her we are no threat."

Once you've spoken to Naros, he'll ask:

"Your stench is proof enough of your deeds. Was this Ruddy Man a worthy foe?"
I'm not sure what it was, but it didn't die without a fight.
"You have my respect, outlander. Our fallen warriors are avenged.
Tell your Armigers that we will soon depart. May we never cross paths again."
Where will you go now, Ibaal?
"Home. The ritual of sacrifice is almost complete, and the Daedra Lords you so foolishly ignore will, we hope, spare us their wrath for another decade.
We will hope they turn their dire gaze upon Molag Mar before we return again."

Ibaal and Maeli Sasamsi walk away and fade out of sight.