Online:Icereach Coven Dialogue
< Elder Scrolls Online: Ambient Dialogue: Overheard Dialogue / Icereach CovenThis page or section is incomplete. You can help by adding to it. For more information, see the help files, the style guide, and this article's talk page. |
The Reachmen on Icereach can be heard talking.
- "Let the Nords come, I say. More blood for the Coven."
- "Keep an eye out for the bear-woman. Big as an ox, she is!"
- "They'll never take this island away from us. Never."
- "That storm … I've never seen anything like it."
- "A nice warm goat shank. That's what I need."
- "Mother Ciannait would never join forces with an outsider. You must be mistaken."
- "The Reach belongs to us. Never forget it."
- "Summoning a storm like this? That's true power."
- "I don't care if you're cold. Quit your bellyaching."
- "Eyes sharp. Some of those Nords could still be skulking around."
- "The Glenmoril Coven? Nothing but tree-worshippers. The Icereach are true witches!"
- "Touch me again, and I'll cut off your hand."
- "I don't know what Bani's working on, but you'd best give it a wide berth."
- "You better not have stolen my blanket. I already warned you once."
- "Cold, eh? Good. I like it cold."
- "She's still around here somewhere. A Nord that big can't hide forever."
- "Keep your voice down. Who Mother Ciannait allies with is none of your concern."
Engaging them in combat:
- "Slaughter them!"
- "Cut their heads off!"
- "This island will be your grave!"
- "Cut their tongues out!"
- "Drive them back to the sea!"
- "You've made a huge mistake."
- "Send their souls to Hircine!"
- "Gut those intruders!"
- "Knives out, Reachmen!"
- "Rip them apart!"
- "Icereach for the Reachmen!"
- "For the Reach!"
- "You're done for!"
- "To battle, Reachmen!"
- "Trespassers! After them!"
- "Nord scum? Kill them!"
- "Time to die!"
Greymoor PrologueEdit
- "Sister Balra is a taskmaster."
- "The land of the Nords will soon be ours."
- "We still have much work to do."
- "Every day brings us closer to our goal."
- "By blood and ice!"
- "The ice in my veins burns cold!"
- "I miss our frozen shores."
- "We have nothing to fear from the Skald-King's agents."
- "Bone and ash, unleash your fury!"
- "I'll cleave your bones in twain!"
- "Someone take this cadaver to storage!"
- "Did you hear what happened at the other camp?"
- "Working with those not of the coven … it disgusts me."
- "Neither the matron nor Sister Balra tolerate failure."
- "Isn't the new ritual exhilarating?"
- "Stay alert. The plan has reached a crucial stage."
- "Has Sister Balra perfected the ritual yet?"
- "I need something to kill."
- "May the matron guide you."
- "All shall bow before our coven!"
- "I serve the Icereach Coven."
- "Aren't the new bloodfiends adorable?"
- "The ritual grows more perfect every day."