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Online:Isquenot Dimeney

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Isquenot Dimeney
Location Outside Fyrelight Cave
Race Breton Gender Male
Health 15000
Reaction Friendly
Isquenot Dimeney

Isquenot Dimeney is a Breton who serves Grander Nemarcet. He can be found by the campfire outside Fyrelight Cave.

Related QuestsEdit


If you speak with him before starting the related quest, he'll say:

"Terrible sight seeing Master Grander deflated like this. Perhaps some tea would raise his spirits."

After accepting the quest:

"You're going to find Master Grander's stolen goods? Wonderful! If you make quick work of it, I should be able to have his evening clothes properly pressed in time for dinner in Skingrad."

In the cave you will find out the brigand that attacked the group is Amaurel Verdulis, the potential bride-to-be. As you search the cave, she will continue to talk to you and explains that she does not want the marriage and plans to leave West Weald entirely. After collecting most of the dowry, you can return to Grander and give him the news:

Speaking with Isquenot before Grander:

"I hope you have good news for Master Grander. This whole ordeal has had such a profound and distressing effect on the young lord."

After completing the quest, Grander will then speak to his companions:

Grander Nemarcet: "Good news! The adventurer retrieved my dowry. We can continue on to Skingrad as planned. And I promise you both a pint of ale when we get there!"
Isquenot Dimeney: "Such a relief. And I'll be able to press and sort out your clothing in time for any balls or soirees."
Fralgatha: "How generous. A whole drink after nearly losing an arm to a tharriker."

Talking to Isquenot after completing the quest:

"Well done! I expect we'll be on our way soon. Marriage troubles aside, I'm quite looking forward to our stay in Skingrad. I hope to make it as relaxing as I can for Master Grander."