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Home City Lilmoth
Store The Lusty Argonian Footman
Race Argonian Gender Female
Health 25,974
Reaction Friendly
Store Type Innkeeper

Jasudei is an Argonian innkeeper who runs the Lusty Argonian Footman in Lilmoth. She is Haxal's egg-sister.


If spoken to she can say:

"My inn is my hearth, and you are welcome. When the winds change, another may take my place. That is the way the river flows in Murkmire."
"At my inn, you shall always be known as beeko - a friend! Some outsiders, they think the word is an insult.
I tell them, if we Saxhleel wish to insult you, we would be much more subtle than that."
"Always you travelers move this way and that, like so many fish in a river. Remember to take the time to wallow, beeko, or one day you'll find that the mud has dried. Stay moist!"
"Many ojel ask to see our Hist. At this, I must laugh. We of Lilmoth have traveled from many tribes and hail from many Hists. It is as obvious as the scales on our faces!"
