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Online:Joncis Malarelie

< Elder Scrolls Online: People / Vendors
Joncis Malarelie
Home Settlement Wind Keep
Store Wayside Inn
Race Breton Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Store Type Brewer
Joncis Malarelie

Joncis Malarelie is a Breton brewer who offers drinks at Wayside Inn in Wind Keep.

Related QuestsEdit


He will welcome you to the inn:

"Welcome to the Wayside Inn.
Whether it's cold beer or fine wine you prefer, we have it all."

Quest-Related EventsEdit

If Michel Helomaine has sent you to fetch some wine for his wife's funeral, you can say:

I'd like to sample your finest wine.
"A connoisseur then? Always happy to show off what this region has to offer.
I hope you enjoy it."