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Online:Kazok gro-Nogremor

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Kazok gro-Nogremor
Location Voljar's Meadery
Race Orc Gender Male
Health 31,364
Reaction Hostile Class Nightblade
Other Information
Faction(s) Stormfist Clan
Kazok gro-Nogremor
Kazok's head

Kazok gro-Nogremor is an Orc nightblade leading the Stormfist Clan forces who attacked Voljar's Meadery and was responsible for killing Inga Snowpeak. Yraldar will send you to kill him, and once you are done, he will arrive at the scene to take his head go to mount it on a pike.

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When you enter the proxmity of his camp, he will come out of his tent:

Kazok gro-Nogremor: "Kazok's axe hungers for blood!"


  • Despite mentioning having an axe, Kazok only attacks with two daggers.