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Online:Legionary Lorina

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Legionary Lorina
Home Settlement Skingrad
Location Count Calantius's Office
Race Imperial Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) West Weald Legion
Legionary Lorina

Legionary Lorina is an Imperial healer of the West Weald Legion. She can be found in Count Calantius's Office during the related quest.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

Legionary Lorina healing Legionary Luther

She will be waiting to the side when Legionary Luther arrives with the recovered Burnbiscuit and presents him to Count Calantius. After you speak with Count Calantius, he will formally promote Luther, who collapses from exhaustion:

Count Calantius: "Legionary Luther, for your bravery, I hereby promote you to the rank of sergeant. Serve Skingrad well!"
Legionary Luther: "Sergeant?! Oh my! I'm so excited I can barely … barely …"
<Legionary Luther collapses.>
Count Calantius: "Sergeant Luther?"
Count Calantius: "Ah! His injuries are too much for him. Healer, help Sergeant Luther Lentinius recover and take him to the barracks."
<Legionary Lorina walks over to Luther and begins healing him.>