Lokra | |||
Home Settlement | Stonetooth Fortress | ||
Location | Daggerfall, Wayrest, Sentinel | ||
Ship | The Spearhead, The Dawn Posset | ||
Race | Orc | Gender | Female |
Reaction | Friendly | ||
Other Information | |||
Faction(s) | Seamount Clan |
Lokra is an Orc who is found in Stonetooth Fortress on Betnikh. She is the daughter of Chief Tazgol and Hearth-Wife Sholg, and she dreams of adventuring beyond the island.
Related QuestsEdit
- Daughter of Seamount: Help a young Orc learn her place in the world.
Quest-Related EventsEdit
When spoken to down at the docks:
- "You were among the crew that arrived with Lambur, yes? I envy you, free to see the world and make of your life whatever you wish."
Once you've started Daughter of Seamount, you can ask her:
- You speak as if you're a prisoner.
- "Shackles are not always made of iron. My destiny was decided when I was born a female. As the chief's only daughter, my duty is to marry into another clan, forging an alliance. It is our way and my fate."
- Hunt-Wife Lurgush thinks you'll desert the clan.
- "If only I had the courage! I want nothing more than to see the world before I marry, but I can't, not without the blessing of my mother and grandmother."
- I could speak to them for you.
- "Go ahead; it won't do any good. Orc clans survived this way for many generations. It's simply how things are. I understand that, as much as it angers me."
You can then ask her to give more information about her clan:
- Tell me more about your clan.
- "The clan chief is the only male who takes wives. The wives are crucial to the leadership and stability of the clan. Sons eventually try to take over the clan by strength, while daughters are married off to other clans."
- So you don't want to be a chief's wife?
- "It's not that. I would enjoy the honor and responsibility of being a chief's wife. I just want to see the world, to live my life, before I marry for the good of the clan."
You can also ask if she could not just leave:
- Have you considered just leaving?
- "Of course. But that would mean abandoning my clan. I understand the importance of our traditions. I must be sure I'm doing the right thing."
If you speak to her before speaking to her mother and grandmother:
- "Talk to them if you wish. This is simply how things are, in our clan and others. I understand that, even if I don't accept it."
Once you have spoken to both her mother and grandmother she awaits your advice:
- "I assume my family wasn't especially pleased with an outsider prying into our affairs.
Remember, it was your idea." - They were very informative.
- "So what's your opinion, after talking to everyone? I really want to know."
If you tell her to stay with her clan:
- Your marriage is vital to your clan. There is honor in doing your duty.
- "I suppose you're right. It's an honor to enable two clans to unite. I should hold the clan above myself and do my duty."
- I'm glad I could help
She will accept her duties in her clan:
- "At last, I find myself looking forward to my future."
- Good luck to you.
- "Thank you. I'm still not ready to marry, but I accept my duty to my clan. I'll ask my father's wives for guidance, to prepare for my duties."
If you tell her to see the world:
- Your life is your own. Sail with us and see the world, if that's what you want.
- "You're right. I value my family, but this is my life. I should live it as I choose. I'm going to follow my heart."
- I'm glad I could help.
She will say her goodbyes to her family before departing on the ship:
- "At last, I find myself looking forward to my future."
- So you'll leave with us?
- "Yes. I'll say my farewells first. It won't be easy, but I won't sneak out like a thief. My family has a right to hear it from my lips. I'll see you on the ship when you're ready to leave."
After the related quest regardless of the decision made, she can be found on the docks.
- "I didn't expect an outsider to be of any help. I am indebted to you."
You can speak with her aboard the Spearhead, where you can find her in Daggerfall if you told her that she should follow her heart and see the world before her marriage:
- Daggerfall! I can't believe I'm here. I've read stories, but the city itself is insipiring. I can't wait to go exploring. I think I made the right choice."
She will be found below the decks of Captain Marck's ship, working on repairs near Mekag:
- "When I went to sea with Captain Kaleen, I didn't expect it to be quite so lonely. I miss my home. I wonder if I made the right choice.
Still, I'm staying with Lambur. I took this path, and I won't step aside now."
When you arrive on the Sentinel Docks aboard the Dawn Posset, you will find it overrun by Ra-Netu. It will remind Lokra of previous events:
- "It's like Betnikh all over again, isn't it? Like Carzog's Demise. At least this time, they aren't eating our souls."
After Risen From the Depths is completed, you can find her at the bridge leading to the Sentinel Palace. She will be much happier and wandering around Sentinel:
- "Sentinel. I never thought I'd see it. The world is full of wonders, and thanks to you, I'm seeing them one by one.
Today, I'm going exploring!" - Exploring where?
- "Jakarn offered to sneak me into the palace, and not the part the public enters. The other part. The secret part.
Don't worry. I'll make sure he doesn't take anything. We're just there to look."
- If you tell her to follow her heart and convince her to leave, she will join the Spearhead's crew.
- If you told her to follow the duties of her clan and when you sail to Daggerfall, an female Orc Sailor will take her place.
- Interestingly enough, if you told her to remain with her clan, you can still find her at Sentinel Docks.