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< Elder Scrolls Online: People
HomeĀ Settlement Merryvale Farms
Location At the crossroads in the middle of the settlement
Race Khajiit Gender Female
Health 25,974
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Medium Profession Commoner

Majadhi-ka is a Khajiit commoner living at Merryvale Farms. She can be found at the entrance to the Sweetwater Farmstead and appears to have a crush on Razum-dar.


If she is spoken to before the mystery of the missing farmhands is solved:

"Did you hear that Razum-dar is back in town?
Oh, it's been years since Majadhi saw him. And now he's back, handsomer than ever! This one didn't even think it was possible."

Once you have dealt with the people behind it, she will instead say:

"Did you hear that Razum-dar took down a whole operation of skooma smugglers?
Majadhi just can't believe it. Not only is her Razum-dar handsome and charming, but he is a hero as well! Oh, if only he would notice how much this one has grown."