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Location East of Jenedusil's Claw
Race Nord Gender Female
Health 12590
Reaction Friendly

Mareki is a Nord mage who can be encountered east of Jenedusil's Claw. She is the sister of Harnald who resides in the Frostheart House. If you talk to Harnald, he conjures a portal to Mareki's location for you, so that you can help her with the related quest.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

When you approach her, she will be annoyed with her brother:

"Damn it! What's Harnald thinking?"

She will need you to stop the Worm Cultists from finishing off their ritual at the dragonshrine:

"About time Harnald sent someone. I need help here!"
What's going on?
"That dumb Harnald sent me to find out what the Worm Cult is doing at the dragonshrine here. I can't even get close enough, there's too many of them.
What sort of brother sends his sisters into danger like this?"
I don't know, but can I help?
"Maybe. Can you get up there and stop whatever they're doing? They can't be up to any good."
Sure, I can try.

A scout will be sent to assist you with this mission:

"Harnald's supposed to send a scout. I hope he hasn't forgotten."
And the scout knows where the cultists are?
"He better or Harnald's going to get an earful from me. The scout should lead you to the dragonshrine."

Speaking to her again before you stop the ritual:

"No telling what'll happen if the cultists complete their ritual. Please help us stop it!"

After investigating the site, you will return to her with success:

"Looks like you've done some good work here."
I think your Worm Cult problems are settled, for now at least.
"That's a relief. Now to give Harnald a piece of my mind!"

After the quest:

"Those cultists were nasty pieces of work. Sure glad Harnald sent you along to help out!"