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ON-icon-achievement-Markarth's Master Burglar.png Markarth's Master Burglar
Type Markarth Achievements
Points 10
Steal the Luxurious Safebox from Vlindrel Hall.

Markarth's Master Burglar is awarded for finding and unlocking the Luxurious Safebox in Vlindrel Hall, which located up the stairs east of the Stonevault Repository in Markarth.

To get to the safebox, head into the restricted area through an Advanced lock. Inside, there are neutral inhabitants eating food at a table and wandering to and fro. There is a hiding spot to the left in the main room.

Ignore all that and carefully head straight ahead toward the fireplace, then into the room to the left. Bedcallas is in that room with the safebox (in the left corner), but is busy being sick. Watch out for visitors and you can hide behind a convenient screen while picking the lock.