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Online:Master Muzgu

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Master Muzgu
Location Moonlit Maw
Race Orc Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Spirit Wardens
Master Muzgu
Master Muzgu in early development

Master Muzgu is an Orc Spirit Warden. He has been captured by the Supernal Dreamers and brought to the Moonlit Maw as a sacrifice to Vaermina. He is also Durak's brother.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

Dreams to NightmaresEdit

When you disrupted the portals, you will meet Brother Gerard inside Moonlit Maw. You will find the master Spirit Warden bound up. If you speak to him before Gerard:

"You're not a Supernal Dreamer. Who are you?"

The Gate to QuagmireEdit

While still bound, he can be overheard:

"It claws me from within! It wants to get out!"

After the completion of Dreams to Nightmares.

"Bless you, but neither of you needed to risk your lives for me. What I need is strength of will.
I need you to kill me."
What! Why do you want to die?
"The Supernal Dreamers performed a ritual. They summoned a Daedric spirit and bound it within me.
My brother, Durak, taught me to contain the spirit temporarily, but it's gaining strength. I can't hold out much longer."
What will happen if that spirit takes over?
"I'm a powerful Spirit Warden. If the Daedric spirit possesses me, it will combine my power with its own.
I would become a danger to everyone in Stormhaven. You need to kill me before that happens."
Kill you? There must be another way. I'll see what I can do.

You will have to make a choice of either poisoning Muzgu to prevent the spirit from taking over his body or sacrificing a Supernal Dreamer in his place:

"No. If I leave this gate to Quagmire, the spirit will take me.
Unless—I suppose I could force the spirit out of me and into a dreaming cultist. It's not as certain, but it could work."
I think it's best to be certain. How should I do it? Kill you, I mean.
"There's a vial of poison over there, next to the candles. I can recognize its foul stench from here. Bring it to me.
And thank you. I couldn't really ask Gerard to do this, no matter how necessary."
I'll get the poison.
I think you should let me go find a dreaming cultist to take your place.
"Very well. I'll contain the Daedra as long as I can.
Take a Scroll of Dream Trapping from the rock over there and use it on a sleeping cultist to bind him to your will. Then you can lead him back here."
All right. I'll be back as soon as I can.

If you exit out of the conversation before you make a choice and speak to him again:

"Quickly! To save Stormhaven, I must die."
There must be another way. (Repeats the choices)

If you decide to sacrifice a cultist to save Muzgu, talking to him before you set out on the task:

"Use that scroll on a dreaming cultist. Bind him to your will and lead him back here!
Quickly now! I can't contain this much longer."

Muzgu DiesEdit

If you chose to give Muzgu the poison, he'll say:

"The poison vial is over there, next to the candles.
Bring it to me."

Retrieve the poison and return to him:

"Do you have the poison?"
Here's the vial of poison.
"Thank you. When I drink this, I'll die and disappear. The ritual circle will send the Daedric spirit back into the realm of dreams.
Promise me you'll go through the portal to Quagmire and slay the spirit."
That's a promise.
"So be it. Take care, friend."

Muzgu LivesEdit

If you chose to have a cultist take his place and once a cultist has been brought back:

"Everything is ready, but I must be certain. When I expel this daedra, it will be drawn into the cultist—and he will die.
Are you sure you're willing to sacrifice this man?"
They intended the same fate for you. Let's go on with it.

He will briefly explain that the sacrifice will allow a chance to defeat the Daedric spirit:

"Very well. This cultist will take my place—and be infused with the Daedric spirit.
So how do we work this?
"We'll expel the Daedra. Draw the cultist into the ritual circle. After the Daedric spirit consumes the victim, it will return to Quagmire.
Follow the spirit through the portal to Quagmire, kill the Daedra there, then return. Ready?"

When the cultist is sacrificed:

"I wish there was another way, but if this allows me to rejoin my brother, so be it."

After the cultist is sacrificed:

"Did you see his face? I fear the cultist awoke and... suffered.
Well. It is over. Now for the Daedra."

After Vaermina's Watcher is purged:

"Praise Azura! You survived."
What now, Muzgu?
"The Daedra is no more. I owe my life to you.
You'll still have to fight your way out, but once I'm confident no trace of the Daedra remains, Gerard and I will disperse the cultists and return to Pariah Abbey."

After the quest if he survives:

"And so it ends.
I believe I will use you as an example in a parable, to explain true courage to novices. Yes, I believe I will."