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Online:Mixultlan Rootstrangler

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Mixultlan Rootstrangler
Location The Silent Halls, Hist Overlook
Race Naga Gender Female
Health 235,760 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 2.png
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Faction(s) Sul-Xan
Mixultlan Rootstrangler

Mixultlan Rootstrangler is a Naga mage of the Sul-Xan tribe who can be found in the Silent Halls. She is a quest-related boss who guards the Harrada Heart in the Hist Overlook section of the dungeon.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Coiled Lash
A basic ranged attack that does moderate magic damage.
Summon Aura of Protection
The Mixultlan summons an Aura of Protection totem that gives nearby allies increased resistance to damage. The totem can be destroyed in five hits from any source or one heavy attack. Destroying the totem will stun all enemies nearby.
Mixultlan slams her staff into the ground, and summons three Skeevers.
Noxious Vial
Mixultlan tosses a poisonous vial at her target which explodes and empties its content upon contact, indicated by a large red circle, dealing continuous moderate poison damage. The poison lingers long enough for multiple applications of this ability to be active.
Strangling Vines
Mixultlan conjures a spell with her hands, indicated by a long and wide red cone, shooting out massive vines in front of herself. Affected targets are dealt moderate physical damage and rooted in place. Dodge roll to break the effect.


At the start of combat

Mixultlan Rootstrangler: "You cannot halt the wave of chaos here."

Mixultlan Rootstrangler: "You are too late."


  • While "Strangling Vines" has a blocking sparks indicator, blocking during the ability has no effect on Mixultlan. ?