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Online:Mystical Quasigriff

< Elder Scrolls Online: Mounts: Heavyweights / M
This beast has been touched by the deep magic, connecting to the power between the worlds. It carried a draught of creatia back with it to Nirn, glimmering with potential in every feather and bone.
Mystical Quasigriff
ON-icon-mount-Mystical Quasigriff.png
Mystical Quasigriff
Type Heavyweight
Default Name Voidfeather
Acquired From Order of the Lamp Crate
Reward Level Radiant Apex
Price 025002,500 Crown Gems
1600016,000 Seals of Endeavor
Category Mounts (Heavyweights)
Quality Legendary
Limit Type Special Collectible

The Mystical Quasigriff is a heavyweight mount. It is available as a Radiant Apex-level reward in Order of the Lamp Crates. Its default name is "Voidfeather".

Physical AppearanceEdit

The mount has a nebulous purple color with images of planets spread throughout. Its barding consists of metal plates with the Order of the Lamp symbol stamped around, held down by brown leather. The face features a metal faceplate adorned by three wings of metal armor on each side.

When upgraded, it gains more armor on its faceplate, pauldrons around its knees, and packs behind its saddle.


  • The Mystical Quasigriff both tweets and growls when it roars.
