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Online:Netchspot Abstraction Face Marks

< Elder Scrolls Online: Head Markings
"Strokes of golden joy embracing rings of azure and bronze. These call attention to the spark of enduring happiness within you. You already love the idea of it, I can tell. Make it a reality."—Artist-Adept Aimira
Netchspot Abstraction Face Marks
ON-icon-head marking-Netchspot Abstraction Face Marks.png
Netchspot Abstraction Face Marks
Type Head Marking
Acquired From Wraithtide Crate
Reward Level Superior
Price 0001616 Crown Gems
010001,000 Seals of Endeavor

The Netchspot Abstraction Face Marks are available as a Superior-level reward in Wraithtide Crown Crates. They match the Netchspot Abstraction Body Marks, and ressemeble the spots of the Lemondot Netch.
