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Online:New Moon Raider

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
New Moon Raider
Location Dragonhold, New Moon Fortress, Southern Elsweyr
Race Khajiit Gender Varies
Health 31,364
Reaction Hostile Class Bounty Hunter
Other Information
Faction(s) Order of the New Moon
New Moon Raider

New Moon Raiders are Khajiit bounty hunters associated with the Order of the New Moon.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Quick Strike
A basic melee attack that causes minor physical damage.
Low Slash
The enemy slashes the player's shins, dealing moderate physical damage and snaring the player Blocking will reduce the damage, but doesn't prevent the snare.
Basilisk Powder
The enemy throws poison in a conal AoE in front of itself. Players hit by the powder will take minor poison damage and get stunned.
When standing further away, the enemy shoots at you with a glowing crossbow. If the bolt hits, you are briefly immobilized.
Twirling Lunge
When standing further away, the enemy holds their dual weapons in a rear-handed stance, with a yellow glow visible around their weapons, then dash forward and strike their target, dealing moderate physical damage and knocking the target back. This is almost always used after Pin lands successfully.
Roll Dodge
The enemy can perform a roll dodge to avoid incoming damage.

Quest-Related EventsEdit

Order of the New MoonEdit

After infiltrating New Moon Fortress and learning just what Aeonstone does, once you disrupt the ceremony Laatvulon will order the cult members to stop you from escaping. Raiders will be among those attempting to stop you.

New Moon Raider: "Intruders! After them!"
New Moon Raider: "You'll make a fine sacrifice to the New Moon!"
New Moon Raider: "We can't let them escape!"