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Online:Nuleno Henim

< Elder Scrolls Online: People / Vendors
Nuleno Henim
Home City Necrom
Location Caravaner Tower
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
Store Type Caravaner
Nuleno Henim

Birer Salothan is a Dark Elf caravaner who can be found at the Caravaner Tower in Necrom.


"One of the best ways to let your time in Necrom settle firmly in your mind and emotions is to ride Trinni, my silt strider. Pause, reflect, and breathe while riding in style to Ald Isra."
"See more of Telvanni Peninsula on my friend Trinni here. She's got a smooth gait and can soothe even the most anxious of passengers with her sonorous calls."
"Looking for your next destination? Why not give Ald Isra a try? They've got the best bittersweet, let me tell you."

You can ask her to take you to Ald Isra:

Tell me about your silt strider.
"I could wax poetic about Trinni all day. But, long story short, she's wonderful. Nobody has ever complained about motion sickness while getting to their destination.
Which is Ald Isra, by the way."
Take me to Ald Isra.