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Released on July 29, 2024. (forum post)

Welcome to The Elder Scrolls Online v10.1.4. In this last week of the current PTS cycle, you will see changes and improvements to Gold Road and Base Game content. Additionally, you will see some class set adjustments to the Templar’s Aetheric Lancer. Along with other general game adjustments, you will see Home Tours, Infinite Archive and Witches Festival have fixes available. Feel free to provide feedback on PTS v10.1.4 through our feedback and bug threads, located here. This size of this patch is approximately 394MB.

  • Overview
  • Combat & Gameplay
    • Itemization & Item Sets
  • Fixes & Improvements, Gold Road
    • Dungeons & Group Content
    • Quests & Zones
  • Fixes & Improvements, Base Game
    • Dungeons & Group Content
    • Events & Celebrations
    • Exploration & Itemization
    • Housing
    • UI
  • Known Issues

Combat & GameplayEdit

Itemization & Item SetsEdit

Class Sets

  • Aetheric Lancer
    • Reduced the randomness of where the Spear lands when activating this set as well as reducing how far it appears from you. It should now always land a step or so out of reach – just far enough to cause you to move – but not far enough that you have to chase the spear (unless it spawns while you’re running already!).
Developer Comment: Spoiler
Our goal with these adjustments is to ensure there is a tug from this set that demands your attention, without being nearly as demanding as similar sets like Essence Thief. The area should now always be just out of reach, but not enough to ask you to go on an adventure for it.
  • Fixed an issue where this set would lose stacks when bar swapping to a bar without 5 pieces equipped.
  • Fixed an issue where the cooldown for this set was longer than its listed 6 seconds.

Fixes & Improvements, Gold RoadEdit

Lucent CitadelEdit

  • General
    • A portal to the top will now appear at the base of the wisp flying section once one member of the trial group reaches the top.
  • Count Ryelaz and Zilyesset
    • Players on both sides of the Mirror of Opposition will now properly take damage from Annihilation.
    • Count Ryelaz will now properly be stunned when the Annihilation ability completes.

Quests & ZonesEdit


  • Wendir now shows up in the Zone Guide.
  • After you turn in the Tracking the Trapper Quest, Marcien no longer bumps into things as he walks around the area.
  • When you die inside Varen’t Watch [sic], you now resurrect at the appropriate graveyard.

Fixes & Improvements, Base GameEdit

Dungeons & Group ContentEdit

Infinite Archive

  • General
    • The Ghostly Gratitude and Aramril's Training collectibles now correctly enhance all the new Verses and Visions.
  • Verses and Visions
    • Damage dealt by monsters summoned through Verses and Visions now always correctly scales with player stats.
    • The Fire Orb Offensive Verse has been visually updated and the orb now tethers to you automatically, no longer requiring a synergy to activate.
    • The Guild Superiority Verse now correctly enhances damage from Meteor and Fire Rune.
  • Cycle Bosses
    • Bagul’s Coiled Lash ability now correctly does damage to players.
  • Tho’at Replicanum
    • Adjusted audio and sound effects to improve presentation.

Events & CelebrationsEdit

Witches Festival

  • The Lord of Fear
    • Fixed an issue where Sapping Scarecrows might not always despawn upon Lord Hollowjack's defeat.
    • Fixed an issue where the portal to Detritus was backwards in the Stonefalls version of Olyve’s Brewery.

Exploration & ItemizationEdit


  • Scribing Altar is no longer Bound when purchased with Alliance Points, Archival Fortunes, or Writ Vouchers.


Home Tours

  • Fixed an issue where Homes that had been favorited but had never been listed in Home Tours would not show up in a player's Favorites list. We will be clearing Home Tours Favorites lists on PTS during the maintenance to support this change.


  • Fixed an issue where players would sometimes have to double interact to activate the flowers in Seabloom Villa.


General Fixes

  • Updated the "Eye of the Infinite" icon within the collections screen so the image would be more consistent with other collectible icons.
  • Updated Home Tours nickname validation logic. You may no longer use the "|" character in your home nicknames.

Known IssuesEdit

  • Aerie’s Cry, the Warden Class Set, currently is undergoing adjustments to allow the bonus damage done with Animal Companion abilities to persist for a duration, with the intent to allow the portion of the set to be back-barred.