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Online:Physical Damage (script)

< Elder Scrolls Online: Scribing
ON-icon-scribing-primary-Increase Damage.png

Physical Damage is a Focus Script used in Scribing. It can be found inside the west wing of the Vulkhel Guard Mages Guild, on the upper level.

Grimoire Effects
ON-icon-book-grimoire-1-Handed.png Shield Throw
(Sundering Throw)
Deals 4290 Physical Damage to an enemy.
ON-icon-book-grimoire-2-Handed.png Smash
(Sundering Smash)
Deals 4133 Physical Damage to enemies. Beneficial Signature and Affix scripts only apply to you.
ON-icon-book-grimoire-Dual Wield.png Traveling Knife
(Sundering Knife)
Deals 2014 Physical Damage to an enemy and 3022 Physical Damage to enemies between you and them on return.
ON-icon-book-grimoire-Soul Magic 01.png Wield Soul
(Sundering Soul)
Deals 5713 Physical Damage to an enemy. Beneficial Signature and Affix scripts only apply to you.
ON-icon-book-grimoire-Soul Magic 02.png Soul Burst
(Sundering Burst)
Deals 3777 Physical Damage to enemies. Beneficial Signature and Affix scripts only apply to you.
ON-icon-book-grimoire-Fighters Guild.png Torchbearer
(Sundering Torch)
Deals 3186 Physical Damage to enemies with each sweep. Beneficial Signature and Affix scripts only apply to you.
ON-icon-book-grimoire-Assault.png Trample
(Sundering Trample)
Deals 6233 Physical Damage to all enemies.