Revus Demnevanni | |||
Home Settlement | Gnisis | ||
Location | Various places throughout Gnisis Veyond ![]() |
House | Arvs-Drelen | ||
Race | Dark Elf | Gender | Male |
Health | 15,000 39,959 (At his camp inside the ruins/After marking the egg-heaps/At the docks/In the nursery) |
Reaction | Friendly | ||
Other Information | |||
Follower | Giving Up the Ghost![]() |
Faction(s) | House Telvanni |
Revus Demnevanni is an ancient (see note below) Dark Elf researcher of House Telvanni who accidentally activated a Dwemer tonal resonator within the Gnisis Egg Mine, driving the miners insane.
Related QuestsEdit
- A Melodic Mistake: Discover why miners are going mad.
- Hatching a Plan: Return a town's egg mine to operations.
- Divine Blessings: Help Lord Vivec reward those who assisted in restoring his divine power. (Conditional)
- Giving Up the Ghost : Revus Demnevanni needs assistance with his magical experiment.
- Heroes of Blackwood : Attend the celebration thrown for you.
Quest-Related EventsEdit
A Melodic MistakeEdit
Approach him in the Dwarven Sanctum inside Gnisis Egg Mine and you'll hear him say out loud:
- Revus Demnevanni : "Argh! I really thought I had it that time. Curse you, you buzzing hunk of junk! This is spite, isn't it? I'm sorry I broke you, all right?"
- Revus Demnevanni : "I should never have touched this damned thing. Stupid Revus. Just have to tinker with everything, don't you? Ugh."
Speak to him and he'll… shout, at you:
- "Agh! Gracious, you nearly gave me a heart attack. You're a Redoran enforcer, aren't you? Look, I'm near to fixing this thing, I promise.
Wait. How are you not a mumbling imbecile? Don't bother answering. I can't hear a thing. Ears are plugged, see?" - What's going on with this device?
- "Sieve lice? Oh dear, you're just as mad as the others, aren't you?
Try to focus. This resonator is broken. I need to set these dials to the correct sequence, but I can't hear the tones. Are you aware of any sequence it could be set to? Just nod." - <Nod your head, "yes.">
- ""Excellent!" he said, expecting the worst.
Just turn these dials until you think they're in the correct sequence. That lever there seems to execute the pattern. I'm sure that if the dials are in the correct position … something will happen." - <Nod>
- ""Excellent!" he said, expecting the worst.
- <Shake your head, "no.">
- "Well, that's disappointing. But random tinkering is the mother of invention, right?
I need you to turn the dials until you think they're in the right position, then pull that lever. Anything you might have heard or seen could help. I believe in you." - All right. Here goes.
- "Well, that's disappointing. But random tinkering is the mother of invention, right?
If you try to speak to him again, he'll say:
- "I'm sorry, but I'm not going to be of much use. Even if I could hear the tones, I wouldn't know how to arrange them.
You must have heard or seen something on your trip down here, right? Clues of some kind? Just try to remember." - What about these kwama egg-hands? Could they help?
- "Well … I'm not sure how a kwama leg gland could help us, but you certainly get points for creativity.
Ah, I just had an idea. Maybe one of these kwama egg-hands could help! They're in poor condition, but they might hum or mumble something useful."
- "Well … I'm not sure how a kwama leg gland could help us, but you certainly get points for creativity.
- What is this thing, exactly?
- "What?"
- <Point at Dwarven device.> What is this thing?
- "Ah. It's a tonal resonator. Very powerful and very, very broken.
I'll be happy to tell you all about it once you've fixed it. We're on a bit of a time-table. No offense, but I think the tonal stimuli have already made you a bit … scattered."
If you fail to get the sequence right, he'll say:
- Revus Demnevanni : "Well, that didn't work. But keep trying! There are only one thousand twenty-four possible combinations, after all. We'll have it in no time!"
Once you've got the right sequence, he'll shout:
- Revus Demnevanni : "Something's happening …. I think you got it!"
- Revus Demnevanni : "Yes, that's it! It's working! I hope!"
- Miner : "What … what happened? Come on, let's get out of here!"
- Revus Demnevanni : "Ha! See? Everything worked out. I have a small camp set outside of this room. We can talk there."
Speak to him in the next room:
- "Ah, the hero of the hour! You have my deepest thanks and most heartfelt compliments. The fact that you fixed it in your clearly addled condition … exemplary work. Just exemplary!
Seems like it's quieted down. I do hope it stays that way." - What happened back there?
- "I can offer little more than a guess. When you corrected the melody, the resonator returned to a dormant state. Some kind of slumbering function to conserve energy maybe?
What matters is that it's quieted down, thank goodness." - Do you think the egg-hands will be all right?
- "Oh dear, I hope so. Their exposure was fairly limited. If they had remained for another day though? Difficult to say.
Please, let the foreman know how truly sorry I am. If there's anything I can do to help, feel free to call on me at my tower." - Thank you. I'll speak to the foreman.
- "I do wish I could have done a more thorough study of the resonator. What do you think they would do with such a device? Enslavement perhaps? No … not enslavement. That's too obvious."
- Can I ask you something?
- "Please! After all you've done, I'd say you're entitled to ask me several somethings."
- What was that machine, exactly?
- "A Dwarven resonator. A tonal amplification device meant to alter thought patterns. That's my hypothesis anyway.
The tones clearly have a powerful effect on the brain. To the Dwarves though? It might have sounded like a lovely song and nothing more." - You mentioned it might have been used for slavery?
- "Well, not slavery in the conventional sense.
The tone wouldn't compel the listeners to work, so much as it would make working a source of profound pleasure. So the workers would be eager to work, you see? They might have even paid for the privilege!" - So slavery through mind-control?
- "Well, again, "slavery" is a clumsy description. It's more like a transaction. Labor in exchange for brief pleasurable sensations. Much like the skooma trade. I guess that's not much better than slavery, is it?
Of course this is all just conjecture."
- "A Dwarven resonator. A tonal amplification device meant to alter thought patterns. That's my hypothesis anyway.
- Why were you fiddling with this device?
- "I hail from House Telvanni—a house obsessed with magical antiquity. We suffer from a peculiar need to tinker with … well, everything.
I won't make excuses. I knew there were risks. But I honestly had no idea that the miners would be exposed." - Didn't you know about the Gnisis mines being connected?
- "Of course not! I've spent years surveying this ruin. I took so many precautions!
Unfortunately, when I engaged the resonator there were a number of minor tremors. They breached the wall between the ruin and the mine. The rest is tragic history."
- "I hail from House Telvanni—a house obsessed with magical antiquity. We suffer from a peculiar need to tinker with … well, everything.
- You were down here the entire time?
- "Yes. Several days, in fact.
I erected a series of aural wards to protect myself from the resonator's effects, but I could tell I was slipping. Another few days and I'd have been as mad as those egg-hands. I had to get creative." - Earplugs?
- "Yes! The wondrous power of kwama wax! Given a few minutes of heat exposure, it hardens and expands. Great for plugging leaks, mending furniture, and protecting you from ancient Dwarven brain-scramblers.
First rate stuff."
- "Yes. Several days, in fact.
Hatching a PlanEdit
Approach Revus' camp southeast of Arkngthunch-Sturdumz (map) and you'll hear him say to himself:
- Revus Demnevanni : "Another one missing? By the Three, how many eggs did they take?"
Speak to him and he'll say:
- "Ah, hello again, my friend! All's well in Gnisis, yes? I heard the bustle of the town when I returned home. It would seem our work in the mine was a success! What a relief.
Care to join me for—? Wait, what are you doing all the way out here?" - The kwama's queen is dead. Foreman Lathdar is furious.
- "Oh dear. That is a problem. Damnable resonator. That is the last time I randomly flip switches on an ancient Dwarven machine.
Never let it be said that Revus Demnevanni shirks his responsibilities. I'll fix this—you have my word." - How do you plan on doing that?
- "Well, in addition to being a Dwemer scholar, I'm a compulsive egg-collector. What? I have diverse interests! Anyway, I happen to possess a royal kwama egg. Or at least I did.
It seems that some cliff striders stole it from my hatchery." - Where's the egg now?
- "Tucked away in one of the beasts' roosts, I suspect. I'm not sure which one though.
Find as many cliff strider egg-heaps as you can, then mark them with this divining stone. I'll jot down their locations and prepare them for transport." - All right. I'll find these egg-heaps and meet you back here.
- "You shouldn't have any difficulty finding the egg-heaps. Just look for giant piles of hardened mud and feces. Did I mention that feces would be involved? No? Well, there will be feces. Loads of it."
- If you love eggs so much why do you leave them in an unguarded open-air hatchery?
- "Ah, it only appears unguarded. I erected a series of powerful wards before I set out to discover the resonator. Unfortunately, I was down there for a very long time. These wards don't last forever you know."
- Why are these cliff striders storing the egg in a "heap?"
- "Honestly, your guess is as good as mine. I've never been interested in the brutes.
They steal all sorts of things. Guars, furniture, spare keys …. They pack them in mud and feces along with their own eggs. Puzzling, truly." - Do you think the baby cliff striders will try to eat the royal egg?
- "I guess it's possible. Like I said, cliff striders are very odd and unpredictable.
All the more reason to find the egg quickly."
- "Honestly, your guess is as good as mine. I've never been interested in the brutes.
Complete the task and return to him:
- "Excellent work finding those egg-heaps. Really, first rate.
Now comes the real challenge. The mud-slurry encasing the eggs is hard as obsidian. There's really no way to tell which heap contains the royal egg until we crack open the casing." - If you have no idea which heap contains the royal egg, how do we know which heap to take to Gnisis?
- "Simple! We bring them all with us! I'm confident at least one of these heaps contains the royal egg.
Of course, there's the other matter of getting the eggs out without breaking them—but that's something we can figure out when we get to town." - This doesn't feel like much of a plan.
- "Don't worry so much. I mean, you managed to disable an ancient Dwarven resonator with zero training. Extracting an egg from a pile of dung should be a walk among the daisies for you, right?
This is going to work, just you wait and see."
Speaking to him before going back to Gnisis:
- "Now to get some townspeople to go retrieve those eggs with some carts.
I hope you cleared a decent enough path for them to get through unharmed. Getting more Gnisis people injured would look very bad on my part."
Back in Gnisis, as you wrap up your conversation with Lathdar, Revus will appear and announce himself:
- Revus Demnevanni : "I'm sorry for the delay. Getting the eggs down here was trickier than I'd thought. Greetings, Foreman."
- Foreman Lathdar : "Enough with the apologies, Revus. Our mutual friend told me everything. Where are these egg-heaps?"
- Revus Demnevanni : "Oh. Yes, I've put them down by the dock. Should make the clean up a bit less onerous. Feel free to go down there and inspect them. I just need a moment before we begin."
- Foreman Lathdar : "This better work. We've got a lot riding on this. So do you."
Foreman Lathdar will then head towards the docks.
Speak to Revus and he'll say:
- "Lathdar's gone, right? Good.
I have news … of the unpleasant variety. Based on the looks of the egg-heaps, I'd say our royal egg is near to hatching. If the queen emerges before we've put her in the mine, the workers will reject her." - So how do we keep the queen from hatching?
- "Our misadventures in the mine gave me an idea.
Kwama seem particularly susceptible to tonal magic, and tonal magic is simply the creative manipulation of sound. I propose we sing our young queen a lullaby!" - You're not suggesting turning the Dwarven resonator back on, are you?
- "What? No. Simple music and a dash of magic should do.
We just need a bard. Preferably one that puts people to sleep. I can amplify the tones through magic to make a soothing, enchanted melody. It's brilliant!" - You're serious?
- "Yes! And what's more, I know a bard who can do it.
Vigard the Sparrow. He's a talentless hack, but he's proven very adept at putting audiences to sleep. Word around town is that he's headed south. Track him down and tell him I sent you. That should be enough."
Speaking to him again before leaving to find Vigard:
- "Do be careful with Vigard. He lacks self-confidence. If he suspects we're using him to put a creature to sleep, he'll probably run off sobbing."
Meet Lathdar, Revus, and Vigard the Sparrow at the docks and you'll hear Lathdar threaten:
- Foreman Lathdar : "I hope you know what you're doing, Revus."
Speak to Revus and he'll say:
- "There's my favorite hero! Everything is prepared. If you're ready, we can get started."
- I'm ready.
Revus will move to Vigard:
- Revus Demnevanni : "Remember what I told you, Vigard. The sound of your voice should help soothe the queen. Just sing from the heart."
- Vigard the Sparrow : "I will, Revus. Settle in everyone. I've written a song for just this occasion. I think you'll enjoy it."
- Vigard the Sparrow : "Oh kwama, sweet kwama, Don't you want to be a momma …?"
The heaps quake and set off a cloud of offal.
- Foreman Lathdar : "Something's happening! I think it's—oh no! What is that?"
The heaps explode open to reveal two kwama eggs and a Baby Cliff-Strider.
- Vigard the Sparrow : "Aww, look at that. It's just a baby."
- Revus Demnevanni : "Oh no. Something's wrong! Everyone, run!"
Just then, a matron Cliff Strider appears and slays Vigard. Revus and Lathdar run away leaving you to take care of the motherly menace.
Meet Revus up the hill towards town and you'll find Foreman Lathdar and Manore Mobaner threatening the Dunmer:
- Foreman Lathdar : "That was your last chance, Revus. To Sovngarde with you and your schemes!"
- Manore Mobaner : "Finally, your treachery is revealed. Don't try to run, Telvanni scum. Your House will know of your part in this."
Speak to him and he'll say:
- "Manore is right. The resonator activating, the queen getting killed, that poor bard losing his life … it's all my fault. I deserve everything that's coming to me."
- So that's it? You're giving up?
- "More like quarantining myself. I'm a natural disaster masquerading as a person. If I just sit here quietly no one else will get hurt.
Besides, we're out of options. Other than breaking into the mine and planting the egg in the nursery, of course." - You're the one who created this mess. You need to fix it.
- "You know, fetch it. You're right. I'm the one who got the miners into this mess, and I'm going to damn well be the one who gets them out!
It will be dangerous though. Planting things in kwama mines always carries risk." - What do we need to do?
- "I knew I could count on you. Head to the mines and look for the nursery. I'll retrieve the royal egg and meet you there.
Once we plant the egg, the workers will almost certainly attack. You'll have to fend them off until the queen emerges." - All right, I'll meet you in the egg mine.
Reach the nursery and you'll hear him behind you:
- Revus Demnevanni : "Thank goodness you're here. We have to hurry!"
He'll then walk very slowly towards you, carrying the royal egg. If you speak to him, he'll urge:
- "Our little queen-to-be is stirring! No time for pleasantries!"
- The egg is hatching?
- "Yes. And soon! We need to get her majesty inside the nursery before that happens. If the queen doesn't take on the scent of the colony, the workers will reject her. So, yes. Urgency!"
- By "reject" do you mean "kill?"
- "Yes. Exactly that. Kwama workers produce a pheromone unique to their colony. Unfortunately, these colonies often compete over resources, making them natural enemies. Hence the infanticide.
Now if you don't mind, this egg is getting very heavy." - All right, lets do this.
- Revus Demnevanni : "After you."
Speak to him before entering the nursery and he'll tell you:
- "I'll meet you in the nursery. I just have to retrieve the egg first.
We'll need to hurry though. I don't know when the Houses will be arriving. Time is working against us."
Enter the nursery and indicate to Revus where to put the egg.
- Revus Demnevanni : "Once this is down, the other kwama are going to try and stop it from hatching. Make sure it does. Once they see it's a queen, they'll leave it alone."
- Revus Demnevanni : "I'll head outside to ensure no one comes in before you're done. Good luck."
You'll defend the egg until it's hatched, then go back outside where you'll hear:
- Foreman Lathdar : "Damn it, Manore! Are these Redoran oathmen ever going to arrive? Where are they?"
- Manore Mobaner : "They'll be here soon! The chance to punish this treacherous Telvanni is too good to pass up. House Redoran is going to to make your House pay dearly, Revus."
- Revus Demnevanni : "I'd temper your expectations. I am Telvanni, true, but my relationship with the council is distant at best. I doubt it will mean as much as you think."
After speaking to Lathdar, you'll hear the following:
- Foreman Lathdar : "Revus, our friend here told me what you did. I'm still madder than a shaved cave bear, but you're free to go."
- Manore Mobaner : "What?"
- Revus Demnevanni : "Excuse me?"
- Foreman Lathdar : "You got us a queen. Don't get me wrong, I don't want you mending my clothes or making my food—I'd probably wind up naked and poisoned. But you did what you said you'd do. That's good enough for me."
- Manore Mobaner : "Have you lost your mind? This miscreant can't be allowed to leave! House Redoran will hear of this! I'll report you too! I'll report this whole fetching town!"
- Foreman Lathdar : "Ugh. I'd be worried if I thought Manore's word counted for anything. Stay out of trouble, Revus. I mean it."
- Revus Demnevanni : "Well, I certainly didn't expect that …."
Speak to Revus and he'll say:
- "I thought the foreman was going to strangle me with his belt, but now we part company as friends? Remarkable.
I owe it all to you. Without your help, my head would be decorating some Redoran's parlor. I'm at a loss." - What will you do now?
- "Help with the mine, of course—provided Lathdar lets me. I have to learn to fix my mistakes. Or better yet, to not make them in the first place!
I suspect the miners are still suffering from the resonator's effects. I'm sure I could brew a remedy." - Not worried about Manore?
- "I'm getting the impression that Manore's threats don't count for much without the foreman's support. I doubt I have much to worry about.
Thank you again. If you ever need another rare egg or need something broken, feel free to call on me, all right?"
Divine BlessingsEdit
Revus can be found at the blessing ceremony Vivec gives after you help save Morrowind and restore Vivec's powers:
- "I can't believe this. Lord Vivec, right in front of me! The Living God himself!
I hope I don't embarrass myself …. Do you think I might embarrass myself? You know, I think I'll just stand here. Perfectly still. Without moving. That would be good."
Giving Up the GhostEdit
Revus can initially be found outside the ruins of Veyond having a heated discussion with Tiras Tirethi.
- Revus Demnevanni: "Well, we can't wait any longer. We should begin the experiment."
- Tiras Tirethi: "With no porters? No assistants? This endeavor's been a farce from the start, Revus. Now, it's a doomed one."
- What's the experiment?
- "House Telvanni is funding a practical test of my latest invention, the Phantasmal Censer. It exorcises spirits, ghosts, and other spectral beings near instantaneously.
The unquiet dead claim countless lives each season. But no longer!" - What do you need me to do?
- "The porters and assistants I contracted with have been waylaid in Narsis — some manner of food poisoning. I am desperate for an extra set of eyes and hands to help with labor and preparations.
Nothing dangerous, I assure you." - Very well, I'll help.
You can ask him a few questions after accepting the quest.
- "Oh, I'm so relieved you agreed to help. Before you arrived I feared my overseers at House Telvanni really might—
Ahem. No matter. Tiras and I already set up a small field laboratory in the ruin, Veyond. Meet us inside and we'll get started!" - Can you tell me more about this Phantasmal Censer?
- "Certainly. It's a wedding of Barilzar's theories on the interactions of tonal and spectral forces with a resonance housing of my own design. Activating it should render any ghosts in proximity completely mute.
A clever bit of engineering. I suppose."- You don't sound very excited about it.
- "What? No, no, I'm extremely excited about it. My superiors in Tel Naga called it a product of minor interest. Believe me when I say that's as robust an endorsement as I'm ever likely to earn.
If the Telvanni Council thinks it's worthwhile, so do I!"
- Tell me about your pupil, Tiras.
- "Tiras is a junior oathman of House Telvanni. At this point in his education, he's obliged to accompany a spellwright like myself on a few field excursions. Sort of an apprenticeship.
Honestly, in his case, it's just a formality."- What do you mean?
- "Tiras is an incredible talent. Of the sort that only appears once in a generation.
What's more, his family is extremely well-connected, he lives the Telvanni creed effortlessly …. I wager he'll be Archmagister one day."- What do you think of House Telvanni?
- "Really putting me on the spot, aren't you?
There are aspects of Telvanni culture I find abhorrent—the practice of slavery being chief among them. We do what we can. When the only alternative is exile … it's complicated."
- Why are you conducting this experiment in Veyond?
- "When you're on a mission to quiet down restless ghosts, you go where the restless ghosts are.
Angry spirits pile up in these Ayleid ruins like weevils in a hollow log. Vehk only knows why. I've never taken much interest in Ayleid history."- You couldn't find restless ghosts in your homeland?
- "In Morrowind? Ha! I wouldn't think of it! Silencing an ancestor is blasphemous, even if some of them deserve it.
My Aunt Sernsi can't let a visitation go by without complaining about her urn. We know you wanted purple. Get over it, already! Right?"
When you've finished talking to him, Tiras will add:
- Tiras Tirethi: "Taking assistance from random passersby? The magisters of the House will most certainly have opinions on this."
Inside Veyond:
- "Finally, we can get started! There's a lot riding on this experiment's success. So ... yes, let's all stay focused and diligent.
And also very, very careful." - What do you need me to do?
- "I need you to paint some stabilizing runes around the area to reinforce the censer's magics.
They're not all that elaborate, I promise. But do be mindful. I'm not leaving anything to chance this time!" - How do I paint these runes?
- "Here are the materials and a template. I infused the paint with ground soul gems to reinforce the runes' potency—at great personal expense, I might add! Right, Tiras? There's no price too high for success!
Try not to use it all, all right?" - What will you and Tiras do while I'm gone?
- "I have a few more calibrations to attend to.
As for Tiras, he'll probably, you know … observe. For educational purposes. You can speak with him if you have any other questions. Seht guide you, my friend!" - All right, I'll go paint those runes.
After listening to what you need to do, you can ask some questions:
- "Remember, precision is of the utmost importance! So, no loafing or dawdling, you!
Ugh. I'm sorry. We're supposed to use harsh declaratives like that to motivate people. Are you—? Yes, I can tell you're motivated. Great. That's great." - So, what are these runes for, again?
- "The housing I created for the Phantasmal Censer should contain the energies it releases well enough.
I employed a fascinating helical boring technique invented by the Dwarves of Arkngthand! I have all sorts of ideas for—! Sorry, that can wait." - So … about those runes?
- "Right. Sorry. The runes provide a stabilizing aura to prevent any really spectacular tonal reactions or spectral anomalies.
I triple-checked every aspect of the experiment, but a mage can never be too careful! Especially if that mage is me." - Have you had difficulties with this sort of thing in the past?
- "Difficulties? Pshh, no! Certainly not! I just place great emphasis on safety.
Sure, there have been a few bumps along the way, but like the old wizards say: in the mountains of magical praxis, one never climbs in vain!"
If you've helped him before in Gnisis:
- Have your methods improved since that disaster in Gnisis?
- "Oh, definitely! I learned a lot from that kwama business. Now, safety is my chief priority!
There might be some bumps along the way, of course. But like the old wizards say: in the mountains of magical praxis, one never climbs in vain!"
After painting the runes:
- "Ah, welcome back!
The runes are in place, right? I'm anxious to begin the experiment." - Yes, I painted all the runes. What's next?
- "Excellent! By the Three, can I just tell you how refreshing it is to hear a voice of support? Thank you!
Now, the next step is a bit more complicated. I need you to assist me with the Phantasmal Censer's kindling sequence." - How do I do that?
- "These magical pylons provide the key. Fair warning, they can be a bit unruly. But the fundamentals are sound!
Spectral energy will pass between them freely, but sometimes the crystals dislodge. If that happens, I need you to re-attune them." - How will I know which pylon to attune?
- "Just pay attention to the energies flowing between them. If no spectral motes pass through one of the pylons, you'll know that's the one that needs fixing.
I should warn you—if you try to attune a functional pylon, you might feel a … mild shock." - Thanks for the warning. I'll keep my eyes on the pylons.
- "It's nice to have a willing pair of hands to assist me. Tiras seems well-acquainted with instruments like these. He could make a real contribution, if he wasn't so set on observing all the time.
I wish I could convince him to help. Ah well." - Of course. Can you remind me of what to do again?
- "Certainly!
Just keep a close eye on the spectral energy leaping between the pylons. If you don't see any energies flowing to or from a pylon, then I'll need you to re-attune it for me."
If you persuade Tiras, he'll do the configuration instead:
- Tiras Tirethi: "If you're quite finished, Revus? Hmm. An artless configuration, to be sure."
- Tiras Tirethi: "Balancing the crystal resonance is simple enough ...."
- Tiras Tirethi: "There. A perfect calibration. Much good may it do you."
- Revus Demnevanni: "It's working! Just a moment more, and ...."
- Revus Demnevanni: "What? Why isn't it—? Good grief."
- "Damn it all! I triple-checked the pylons last night. I field tested the runes. I've read everything Barilzar's ever written aside from his fetching diary. And it still doesn't work! Still!
Why won't it work? It needs to work!" - Did we do something wrong?
- "No. No! You followed my instructions to the letter, and I practically killed myself proving out the theories in my laboratory back home. Literally. My eyebrows only recently grew back.
It can't just be bad luck. I must have missed something." - Missed something like what?
- "Something in Veyond—some arcane anomaly that disrupts the function of pylons.
Of course the ruin I choose to work in suffers from some heretofore unseen pylon-scrambling hocus-pocus. Just another day in the life of Revus Demnevanni!" - So, what can we do to fix it?
- "Well, we need to find the source of the disturbance.
Take Tiras and explore the lower chambers. It shouldn't take him long to identify the culprit. Just make sure to keep him safe. If anything happens to him, my kwama is well and truly cooked." - All right. I'll help Tiras find the source of the interference.
You will now have Tiras as a follower, you can continue to talk to Revus for more information:
- "Right. I'll stay here and inspect the instruments. Again. If I didn't find any flaws the first three times, I doubt I'll find any now, but who knows?
Maybe Tiras is right. Maybe this is just a huge waste of time." - Yes, Tiras thinks it's a waste of time. But what do you think?
- "What do I think? What does that matter?
The Telvanni Council detests my work on Dwemer tonal mechanics. They want nothing to do with my study of rare eggs. The Phantasmal Censer is the only thing I've ever created that won their approval!" - Is the Telvanni Council's approval really that important?
- "Really that important? Well, of course it is! I'm a member of House Telvanni for Vehk's sake!
If the Council drums me out, what would I do? Who would I share my theories with? No, once that door closes, it closes forever. It's unthinkable!" - Do you really think making the Phantasmal Censer work will change their opinion of you?
- "Absolutely! Yes. Maybe. I don't know! But I have to try.
Would I rather be poking around in a Dwarven ruin, unraveling the mysteries of tonal architecture? Yes. But no one ever said arcane practice always leads to excitement."
After smashing the source of the interference:
- Revus Demnevanni: "Tiras! The interference! I think it may come from clouded—"
- Tiras Tirethi: "Varla stones? Indeed. The help and I already dealt with them. You're welcome."
- Revus Demnevanni: "Oh. Well, thank you. I— Wait. Does anyone else feel that?"
- Ancient Spirit: "Intruders? Get out! Get out!"
- Revus Demnevanni: "A spirit! Stand back, both of you. It's time for a true test of the Phantasmal Censer!"
- Tiras Tirethi: "Get it away from me! B-back, you creature! I mean it!"
- Revus Demnevanni: "Wait, Tiras! No! Argh!"
- "Oblivion take me, he's dead! Tiras is dead! This is a catastrophe! What are we going to do?"
- Slow down. What just happened?
- "I tried to use the Phantasmal Censer to quiet that Ayleid specter, but Tiras panicked and started to banish it with his own magic. His banishing spell mixed with the censer's power, and whoosh! Snuffed out like a candle!
I'm doomed!" - Are you sure he's dead? He just vanished, right?
- "Just vanished! Yeah, sure. Just vanished ... to the afterlife!
This is classic Revus, you know? I'm a pox! I just need a moment to think about what I'm going to tell the House about Tiras. And the censer, wherever it flew off to." - I'll find the censer. You take a moment.
If you talk to him again before finding the censer:
- "The sorcerous impact knocked the censer right out of my hands. So much the better. Vehk knows I'd just end up killing someone else with it!"
After picking up the censer:
- Tiras Tirethi: "What—what is happening to me?"
- Revus Demnevanni: "Oh, Tiras! Even now, I can hear him in my mind! Haunting me!"
If you talk to Revus again:
- "Ugh. I can hear Tiras's cries like he's right here beside me!
I deserve it, don't I? A shameful, ghostly reminder of my failure ...." - Tiras' voice isn't in your head. I hear it too.
- "You do? Then he either torments us both or it's some spectral echo. A disembodied voice, sheared from his body like chitin from a kwama. Perfect. I came to silence ghosts and just made another one.
This is all my fault." - Should we follow the voice?
- "What's the point? It's not as if we can gather up screams and cobwebs and put him back together again. He was a person, not a teacup!
If you want to pursue that voice, feel free. I imagine you'll be safer without me. Tiras certainly was."
After using the censer inside Veyond Bangrara:
- Revus Demnevanni: "Tiras ... he's not gone after all?"
- "Please forgive me, sera. While I was wallowing in self-pity, you were out here trying to clean up my mess.
And by the Three, Tiras still lives! Or, exists at any rate. What happened when you found him?" - He told me to use the Phantasmal Censer. After I did, he disappeared.
- "Along with the clouded varla stones. Interesting. The censer might have prompted some kind of animus-inversion!
Ugh, the specifics can wait. Whatever happened, he's still aware of his surroundings. You might be able to fix this." - How do we do that?
- "We? No, no, no. I've done enough damage. I'll come along—offer scholarly advice and such. But you're the only person I trust to see this through.
The first step is finding Tiras. His soul seems bound to the ruin. And these stones." - So, how do we find him?
- "The clouded varla stones are sort of ... thickening the magical fabric of this place. A soul like Tiras's would cause ripples.
Allow me to make a small modification to the censer. There. If you use it now, it should illuminate Tiras's path." - You're sure you don't want to do this yourself? You created the censer in the first place.
- "I've proven beyond shadow of a doubt that I can't be trusted with that thing.
For anyone who is not me, using the censer is quite simple. Activate it and a mote of spectral energy should coast toward Tiras. Just follow the mote!" - What do we do when we find Tiras?
- "Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Best to focus on navigating the ruin. I seriously doubt that Veyond's shown us all its nasty surprises."
After following the Phantasmal Mote and finding Tiras again:
- Revus Demnevanni: "Tiras! And more clouded varla stones. By the Three, were the Ayleids selling them wholesale?"
- Revus Demnevanni: "Ugh. I'll probably regret this, but I'll try to attune the stones. You push them out of position. Maybe that will set him free."
If you talk to him before moving the stones:
- "Dislodge the stones, friend. I don't want to weave this spell any longer than necessary!"
After dislodging the stones:
- Tiras Tirethi: "No! Not ... enough!"
- Revus Demnevanni: "I know that did not look like a success ... but I think I know what's happening."
- "These clouded varla stones ... the Ayleids wouldn't have carved imperfect stones in this quantity by accident. There's intention here. They're meant to attract spectral energy like moths to a flame. That's why we keep finding Tiras among them."
- How does that help us save Tiras?
- "Well ... it doesn't, just yet. But we're definitely on to something.
The censer can banish the stones, and my attunement spell can stabilize them long enough to dislodge them safely. We—I mean, you are one step closer to fixing this." - So, what do we do now?
- "You! What do you do now! Keep tracking Tiras. I'll try to puzzle out a way to use the censer and attunement spell to restore Tiras's corporeal form.
We have to move quickly, though. If we don't reach him soon, critical animus decay might set in." - That sounds bad.
- "That's because it is bad.
Let's pick up the pace, all right?" - All right. Let's keep searching for Tiras.
If you talk to him again:
- "Lead the way, sera. I'll keep working on a plan. Three willing, it won't cast us into Oblivion or make us grow third arms or anything."
Inside Veyond Gandrassel:
- Revus Demnevanni: "Over there! It's Tiras!"
- Tiras Tirethi: "It's ... so close!"
- Revus Demnevanni: "I think I know what's going on!"
- "Tiras is trying to resist the pull of the clouded varla stones, but his strength is waning. Luckily he's running into these smaller stone clusers. Sort of like falling out of a tree and hitting all the branches on the way down."
- So, where will he end up?
- "I'm wagering there is a greater lode of this clouded glass somewhere in the ruin—a stockpile or something that dwarfs these other varla stones in size, potency, or both.
Tiras should eventually find himself there." - What will happen when he reaches this lode?
- "I can't imagine it will be pleasant. But with enough of the clouded glass in one place ... we might be able to create a large enough resonance to restore Tiras's corporeal form—you using the phantasmal censer, and me using the attunement spell."
- You're going to help?
- "I have to. Without my attunement spell, the censer could banish Tiras for good. I can't hide from this forever.
I am a mage. Hapless and clumsy perhaps, but a mage all the same! I owe it to Tiras, to you, and to myself to try." - All right, let's find Tiras and this lode you mentioned.
- "This plan will work. Right? Of course it will work. Just follow that mote!"
- You seem to be in much better spirits.
- "I am! It might be a bit morbid, but all this dashing around and puzzle-solving—it's why I love being a wizard! I'd nearly forgotten that, with Tiras and House Telvanni pushing me around.
We all have to follow our bliss, right? Mine's in old ruins."
After finding Tiras again:
- Tiras Tirethi: "Argh! Help—!"
- Revus Demnevanni: "Ayem's mercy, Tiras is fading faster! Quickly, just smash these stones and we'll hope for the best!"
If you talk to him before smashing the stones:
- "Please hurry — we have to destroy these stones while Tiras is still strong enough to lead us to the central lode! I'll shield you from harm as best I can!"
After smashing the stones:
- "There! Now, use the censer. We have to find the central lode!"
If you talk to him again:
- "No time to dawdle! Tiras's getting away!"
Inside the Ancient Tomb:
- Revus Demnevanni: "This is it! Vehk's head ... it's not a cluster of glass. It's an entire well!"
- Revus Demnevanni: "All right, let's go over the plan."
- "We were looking for a pile of clouded glass and instead we found a limitless font of unstable magicka! Shame we have to destroy it. But let's be honest, I would have found a way to accidentally destroy it before long.
Are you ready to save Tiras?" - Yes. What do I need to do?
- "First, we need to replicate the original event.
Aim the Phantasmal Censer at him and unleash its power. While you're doing that, I'll cast the attunement spell. Weaving the two together should dislodge his animus and restore his corporeal form!" - How confident are you that this will work?
- "Much less confident than you'd like."
- I see.
- "If it's any consolation, most magisters aren't certain of a hypothesis until they test it. Our test just happens to have the potential for cataclysmic results."
- Cataclysmic results?
- "Discharging spells and jangling magic censers in front of an unstable well could prove explosive.
But, nothing is certain. Magic is more art than science! At least, that's what I tell myself in situations like this." - What are the chances that this goes wrong?
- "Seven in ten? Give or take?
You've faced worse odds before, though. Right? Come on, hero. Let's do some hero-ing."
Once you use the censer:
- Revus Demnevanni: "It's working! We did it! Tiras, are you all right?"
- Tiras Tirethi: "Revus! I— I ..."
- Tiras Tirethi: "I'm alive! Thank you! Ayem's mercy, I thought I was dead!"
- Tiras Tirethi: "I never should have cast that— But the ghost was there and I just ... just panicked!"
- Revus Demnevanni: "Oh dear. Uh ... there, there Tiras. Why don't we head back to camp, all right?"
If you talk to him again:
- "Well, this is ... unexpected. I thought for sure he'd try to strangle me or something.
Let's make our way back to the surface."
Once you arrive back at camp:
- Tiras Tirethi: "I'm writing the magisters straight away, Revus. You'll receive accolades aplenty."
- Revus Demnevanni: "Oh! That's, uh ... that's very generous, Tiras. Thank you."
Talk to him to finish the quest:
- "Well, this is unexpected. I'd resolved to spend the rest of my life in exile, but now Tiras is singing my praises! Do you think he hit his head or something?
I guess anyone can have a change of heart when they have a brush with fate like this." - What happens now?
- "Hopefully, Tiras's testimonial will earn me some latitude with House Telvanni. Not enough to rise in rank, mind you. But enough to keep them off my back for a while.
None of this would have been possible without you. Thank you, sera."
After completing the quest:
- "Safe travels, my friend. And if you ever find yourself in Gnisis, feel free to drop by!"
- Are you planning on going back to Morrowind soon?
- "As soon as I can, yes.
The censer was always a means to an end. Tiras's letter should give me the boost I Need to continue my real work. Rare eggs, Dwarven machines, vegetable conjuring … all the bizarre obsessions that House Telvanni scorned." - Do you think Tiras's letter will solidify your position in the House?
- "Ha! No, no. I'm far too clumsy to evade the Telvanni Council's contempt for long. But we have to treasure the time we have, right?
I'm sure I'll make some really worthy discoveries before they start nosing around in my work again."
Heroes of BlackwoodEdit
Revus can be found among the crowd during the victory celebration behind the governor's mansion in Gideon. Speak to Revus and he'll say:
- "Ah, greetings! I heard you're to blame for all this reckless frivolity. No great surprise there, eh? Well done!
I'll try not to knock anything over or set anything on fire. No promises, though!" - Any word from House Telvanni about our adventures in Veyond?
- "Yes, as a matter of fact! Tiras's letter was very well received in Tel Naga. The magisters want to see the Phantasmal Censer at work! Can you believe that?"
- So, you're headed back to Morrowind?
- "Yes! Well, no. Sort of. I'm giving the censer to Tiras.
All the pomp, plotting, and vanity among the magisters … it's just not for me. I only made the censer to keep them off my back. This way, Tiras gets what he wants, and I get some peace." - Back to your other pursuits, then?
- "Indeed! I've got all sorts of ideas for a new book of ovamancy! Eggs with smaller eggs inside! Brilliant, right?
Don't … just don't answer that."
Revus can be found and talked to inside his home, Arvs-Drelen, after the Gnisis quest chain is completed:
- "Ah, welcome to my home.
It's quaint, but sufficient. I can study in peace here and my practices don't disturb the people of Gnisis. Not that I'm working on anything capabple of causing a fuss, mind you. Not after the mine incident." - What are you working on now?
- "I'm still unsure if the song ringing out from the Dwemer machine will have any lasting effects on the miners of Gnisis. I've been doing research into Dwemer technology, but the results have been, well, lacking."
- Are you worried the miners might still suffer from the song?
- "The song is quiet now, so I hope it was more of an immediate effect. But we can never be too sure.
I'd like to not wake up one morning to find those miners we rescued dead in town. Not that I'm saying that's likely." - What about you? Are you staying here?
- "You've likely noticed the luck that follows me isn't of the favorable variety. Perhaps a Telvanni amge cursed me for a reason I'm unaware of. Wouldn't shock me.
For the safety of others, I'll stay here for now. I've learned to do that much at least." - I wish you luck then.
- "And may the Three guide your path, my friend.
Watch your step on the way out. I'd hate for you to fall into the fire and burst into flames. That would be a dreadful way to end our little adventure het."
- He is an ancestor of Baladas Demnevanni as revealed on #BethesdaGameDays: ESO Game Show (33:30-34:55).
- This would mean that Revus Demnevanni would be very old, as Baladas as a descendant predates the "Empire of Man" and Gnisis.
- Speaking to him just outside the nursery, before entering, has him say that he will meet you inside after he retrieves the egg, despite currently holding it in his arms at the time.
- After exiting the mine once the new queen has hatched, and after he is done talking with Manore, Revus will have a prompt to talk to him but using it will not bring up any dialogue. ?