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Online:Riverhold Chestnut Horse

< Elder Scrolls Online: Mounts: Equines / R
The people of Riverhold have bred these horses for generations. The result is a line of bright-eyed and faithful steeds, eager to please with their rich chestnut coat. On the road, few horses are steadier or more reliable.
Riverhold Chestnut Horse
ON-icon-mount-Riverhold Chestnut Horse.png
Riverhold Chestnut Horse
Type Equine
Default Name Brutter
Acquired From Mirrormoor Crate
Reward Level Legendary
Price 00100100 Crown Gems
036003,600 Seals of Endeavor
Category Mounts (Equines)
Quality Legendary
Limit Type Special Collectible

The Riverhold Chestnut Horse is available as a Legendary-level reward in the Mirrormoor Crate Crates. Its default name is "Brutter".
