The Root Stewards are the Argonians at Hissmir whose duties are to assist the pilgrims that come to the settlement with their trials, as well as overseeing the Trials of the Burnished Scales. Lukiul pilgrims flock to Hissmir to find themselves and to commune with the Hist, and the Root Stewards are charged with guiding these pilgrims.
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- Hissmir — An ancient Argonian ruin located in southern Shadowfen, southwest of the Hatching Pools. (map)
- Lost Pilgrimage: Help find a group of lost pilgrims.
- Of Dubious Value: Help find some stolen relics.
- Trials of the Burnished Scales: Pass the trials of the Hist in Hissmir.
Related TextsEdit
- Path of the Pilgrim by Bikkus-Ze, Hissmir Oblate — Notes on the pilgrims of Hissmir