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The Ruddy Fang bandits in Northern Elsweyr can be overheard outside of combat:

"You'd think that Azurah would have warned the old loony to stay away from bandit dens."
"What kind of fool walks into a bandit den? He's loony all right."
"If we're planning on raiding Hakoshae, I'm staying behind. Nearly got my tail chopped off last time!"
"Had another run in with Sugar-Slinger the other day. Nothing I hate more than a stuck up smuggler."

The Fangs in Southern Elsweyr also have their own dialogue apart from the ones in Northern Elsweyr.

"If that Orc tries to pick a fight with me one more time, I'm going to cut his throat and stuff his body in a barrel."
"I wish those smoke addled wastrels would keep it down for once."
"At least we don't see many Sea Elves this far east."
"Stay out of the stock, unless you want to wind up like those other sap lickers."
"I want to catch some jellies for dinner. I rarely have them outside Black Marsh."
"All this salt in the air gives me itchy scales."
"Thought smuggling skooma was supposed to be safer than slaving."
"I think the lizards are plotting something. Sleep light."
"No respectable Dunmer would take orders from an overgrown cat. Good thing we're not respectable."
"Guess the skeevers aren't scared of Khajiit. They keep getting into the sugar sacks."
"Whenever the shaveskins get too full of themselves, this one conjures a great tailwind to deflate them a bit."
"This one already tried flushing the waste out to sea. The tide's too strong."
"Khajiit heard one of the lunatics tried to eat another's face the other day. Stay clear of them."
"Khajiit say it's trapped moonlight in the waters. This one says it's gold."
"Khajiit should be riding the wind at full sail, not clearing cave air of skooma fumes."
"This one would break your twiggy little bones without even trying."
"This one won't hesitate to crack your skull if you can't handle your skooma."
"Bet that swill tastes like sea water. Khajiit won't touch it."
"It stinks of fish, skooma, and spew. This one would rather be out to sea."
"Filthy shaveskins. Water all around and still they do not bathe."
"You'll not smoke that stuff around this one, if you know what's good for you."
"This one has sailed with the Tigershark for years. He knows what he's doing."
"She knows sugar-tooths are mad, but she has never seen anything like this."
"Khajiit does not like the Elves. He sees how they look down their noses at us."
"What is it that makes this Moon Sugar so potent?"
"The water was so sweet at first. Now Khajiit will stick to rum."
"The Tigershark is like a mountain of sweetmeats, is he not?"
"This one thinks the skooma is cursed. We never should have defiled this place."
"This one only drinks from the shrine fonts. You should too."
"Think this stuff is sweeter than mead?"
"What do you say we strip down and take a dip?"
"I could take one of those tusking Pahmar-raht, easy."
"Who here thinks they can drink me under the table?"
"How is it cats covered in fur can come from somewhere so hot? At least it's cool in this cove."
"How about we beat up a few of the crazies?"
"If the Tigershark wants to test his recipe, he can drink it himself."
"The Khajiit plan to double cross us, I'm sure of it."
"Keep slacking off and you'll get tossed to those wild sugar-tooths."
"Most of these Khajiit would make better rugs than crew."
"I say we train those drug-addled lunatics like hounds. They already go for the throat."
"Don't drink the water. Too much runoff sullying it now."
"Boss wants more volunteers. Get moving."
"Anybody tried pickling one of those jellies in the stock? Bet they'd soak it up good."
"Tried a nip of the last batch. It'll take the wind out of your sails."
"If I wanted to brew skooma, I'd have become a barman."

The skooma-crazed members of the Fangs also have unique dialogue.

"Show me your guts! Show 'em to me!"
"You won't take me!"
"Knew you were coming! Knew you were all coming for me!"
"Skooma Cat! Skooma Cat is speaking to me!"
"Stay away, stay away, stay away, stay away!"
"Who's—stop! Noise. Kill you!"
"Make it stop! Make it stop!"
"Gonna maroon me? Gonna leave me behind!"
"Come here, skeever! This one's hungry!"
"Need the sap. Split the bark and lick it up!"
"Ha! Hee! Hee! Hahaha!"
"Rah! Grr!"
"Wah! Ahh! Ahh!"
"Ahroo! Ah! Rrah!"
"Hsst! Kaoc!"
"<Hissing, croaking, lizard noises.>"
"<Nauseated murmuring and retching.>"
"<Howling like a wolf, chuffing and raving gibberish.>"
"<Painful, miserable moaning.>"
"<Paranoid muttering, whispering to self.>"
"<Grunting, angry yelled gibberish, exertions as if smashing something.>"
"<Raving slurred gibberish.>"
"<Hysteric giggling and gibberish muttering.>"
"<Roaring, hissing, growling.>"
"<Inconsolable crying and wailing.>"
"<Violently ill, moaning, heaving.>"
"<Giddy drunk, singing slurred gibberish.>"
"<Ravenously eating something, like a wild dog.>"
"<Terrorized screaming, panic.>"