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Online:Ruri Buccelus

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Ruri Buccelus
Location West Weald, Legion's Rest
Race Imperial Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Ruri Buccelus

Ruri Buccelus is an Imperial caravan master in the employ of Orissa Dellinoi. When their group stopped at Legion's Rest they were attacked by bandits.

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You can find a small group of travellers outside Legion's Rest, Ruri will be injured. If you try to talk to him before speaking with Orissa, he will wave you off:

"Do I look like I'm in a talking mood? Leave me to tend my wounds."

Once you have started the quest, Orissa will want to join you in recovering the wine crates from inside the cave. Before you leave you can speak with Ruri who will be now be willing to talk about what happened:

"Don't know what Orissa expects to find. The bastards are likely gone by now. Nothing but a waste of time to search that cave."
Did you get a good look at who attacked the caravan?
"Sadly, I did not. When we came around the bend there was this horrible buzzing sound and then we were overrun. Before I knew what had happened I was beaten to a pulp and our assailants made off with our wine."
Do you know who might want to target the caravan?
"I haven't a clue. Though, of course, I can imagine the transportation of such a rare delicacy would catch the eye of many a thief. In truth, it was bound to happen eventually. It'd be best to just wash our hands of the loss and move on."
You don't think the wine is worth retrieving?
"It's worth a great deal, but is it worth our lives? I think we should consider ourselves lucky that we weren't mortally wounded in the attack. It's the little victories."
I still plan on searching Legion's Rest for the missing wine.

While in Legion's rest, you quickly come across Lazen who helps you find the crates scattered throughout the cave. At the location of the fourth crate, you also find the Blue Aedral Shipment Details which is addressed to Gilroy Vassinus from Ruri, and reveals the plot between the two. With the wine and note in hand, you can follow Orissa outside.

If you speak with Ruri before Orissa once outside, he will play dumb:

"Found that valuable wine, eh? All of it? I mean, I hope you found all of it."

You can then talk to Orissa and explain what you learned from the note, she will be furious. If you leave the conversation after explaining but before completing the quest, you can talk to Ruri:

"You and Orissa were having a rather tense conversation. Nothing amiss, I hope."

When you have completed the quest, Orissa will confront Ruri about what he did:

Orissa Dellinoi: "I can't believe Ruri betrayed us. He could've gotten Lazen or the others killed!"
<Orissa marches over to Ruri Buccelus.>
Orissa Dellinoi: "Ruri! You scheming bastard!"
Ruri Buccelus: "Why're you so mad? It's not like you can't make more wine."
Orissa Dellinoi: "I trusted you! You … you …."
<Orissa punches him in the face and knocks him out.>
Orissa Dellinoi: "All right everyone. We recovered the Blue Aedral. As always, as soon as we sell it, everyone will get a share of the profits. Everyone except Ruri, that is."