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Online:Scout Catannie

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Scout Catannie
Location Driladan Pass
Race High Elf Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
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Faction(s) Aldmeri Dominion
Scout Catannie

Scout Catannie is a High Elf scout of the Dominion found at the Driladan Pass.

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Speaking to her:

"I have been a soldier all my life, but never have I seen such a dreadful turn of events. Prince Naemon? An army of undead?
It's fortunate Camoran sent the Vinedusk Rangers, because there are simply too few Dominion troops to defend the city."
I've come to help. What can I do?
"Talk to the Vinedusk. Bodring is in command here. He'll know best what needs to be done.
May the gods be with you, friend. May the gods be with us all."