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< Elder Scrolls Online: Creatures
Location Spire of the Crimson Coin
Species Flesh Atronach
Health 511,478 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 2.png
Reaction Hostile

Shambleback is a powerful flesh atronach boss found inside the Spire of the Crimson Coin public dungeon.

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

A basic melee attack with its mace arm that deals minor physical damage.
A melee attack by stomping the ground with its foot, which deals moderate physical damage.
Fire Brand
The flesh atronach swings its torch hand, as indicated by a red cone, dealing moderate flame damage to its target.
Unyielding Mace
The flesh atronach slams its mace fist on its target, dealing moderate physical damage and stunning them. It also applies a "Bleeding" effect, dealing minor bleed damage over time, and a snaring effect for 8 seconds both. This attack can be blocked to prevent the stun (but not the bleeding and snare) and to set the flesh atronach off-balance.
Toxic Slam
Similar to "Unyielding Mace", Shambleback slams its mace fist on its target, dealing high physical damage and stunning them. This attack can be blocked to prevent the stun and to stagger Shambleback. Regarless if it is blocked or not, "Lingering Toxicity" is cast.
Lingering Toxicity
Two poisonous areas appear under the target hit which deal continuous moderate poison damage. These disappear after some time but Shambleback often casts this ability so the arena can be quickly filled with those poisonous areas.


  • Shambleback uses the old flesh atronach skin.


  • Despite being a ground DoT area, blocking and roll-dodging inside "Lingering Toxicity" reduces/negates the damage taken when it shouldn't. ?


There is one achievement associated with this enemy:

Achievement Points Description
   Crimson Coin Conqueror 50 Defeat all of the champions at the Spire of the Crimson Coin.