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Online:Sixth House Supplicant

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Sixth House Supplicant
Location Forgotten Wastes
Race Dark Elf Gender Varies
Health 31,364
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Faction(s) Sixth House
A Supplicant attacking with her shovel.

Sixth House Supplicants are Dunmer and low-ranking members of the Sixth House found excavating around the Forgotten Wastes.

They are usually watched over by a Sixth House member with ranged abilities, such as a Fire-Binder or Tormentor.

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

The supplicants either wield dual hammers, a pickaxe or a large shovel.


Biting Winds
Sixth House Supplicant attacks with both weapons one after the other, which deals minor physical damage twice.
Twin Slashes
Sixth House Supplicant slashes the target twice with their weapons which deals minor physical damage twice and bleeding damage over 8 seconds.

Large ShovelEdit

Quick Strike
Basic melee attack dealing minor physical damage.
Sixth House Supplicant prepares an upward strike which deals minor physical damage. This can be blocked to put them off-balance.


Quick Strike
Basic melee attack dealing minor physical damage.
Low Slash
Sixth House Supplicant slashes your shins, dealing low physical damage and snaring you.