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Online:Spiderkith Eyes

< Elder Scrolls Online: Head Markings
Those who wrap themselves in Mephala's web and help spin her secretive plots sometimes develop the keen night-eyes of her spiderkith. Ideal for navigating the complex strands of the Spiral Skein, but easily blinded by the light.
Spiderkith Eyes
ON-icon-head marking-Spiderkith Eyes.png
Spiderkith Eyes
Type Head Marking
Acquired From Ayleid Crate
Reward Level Epic
Price 0004040 Crown Gems
020002,000 Seals of Endeavor

The Spiderkith Eyes' are available as an Epic-level reward in Ayleid Crates. This marking changes your character's eyes, and is not affected by vampirism, unlike other head markings.
