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Online:Sylvain Quintin

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Sylvain Quintin
Location East of Rayles Farm
Race Breton Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Sylvain Quintin

Sylvain Quintin is a Breton who can be found on the path east of Rayles Farm, crouching over his dead horse. Due to this misfortune, he needs your help to make a delivery.

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When approached, he will elaborate on his predicament:

"There's no situation so bad that a dead horse can't make it worse."
What happened?
"Well, my horse died, as you might have noticed. A better question would have been, "How can I help you, good sir?""
How can I help you, good sir?
"Now that you ask, I have a sack of fertilizer here for Skulreid Foxbite of Cropsford. It's no ordinary fertilizer, however. It's so fragrant, it's like having a bag of roses on your shoulder.
Would you finish the delivery for me?"

After you have accepted the delivery, you can ask him more questions:

"Skulreid is in Cropsford. It's a small farm town southwest of Drakelowe Keep. He always pays a good coin for my fertilizer."
So, you deal in … fertilizer?
"Yes, I do. You can keep the smirks and crude jokes to yourself, I've heard them all.
For your information, fertilizer is a booming field. Farmers can't get enough of it; animals can't stop making it. I just connect the two ends, so to speak."
Perhaps your horse died of the smell.
"I told you. My fertilizer smells like roses. Everyone says so. With that sack on your shoulder, you'll smell better than ever."
"No idea what to do with this horse. Fertilizer, perhaps?"