Tarnished is the name given to those unfortunate citizens of the Brass Fortress who have been cast out from society, unable to find a role and have been essentially abandoned by the Clockwork Apostles, although they are provided the basic essentials of clothing, food, and water. Tarnished reside in Slag Town and run the outlaws refuge there.
Until you manage to obtain a sponsor for citizenship in the Brass Fortress, you are also considered Tarnished by the city's leadership.
For more information, see the main lore article.
- Slag Town — An unmarked location within the Brass Fortress where the Tarnished, the unwanted of Clockwork City, reside. (map)
- Slag Town Outlaws Refuge — The outlaws refuge for the Brass Fortress. (map)
Related QuestsEdit
- A Bitter Pill: Gather Herbalist's Satchels to assist the people of Slag Town.
- Cogs of Fate: Help a young man prove to others that fate can be changed.
- A Daily Grind: Gather flash stone and metal pellets for the residents of Slag Town.
- Deepening Shadows: Locate Chancellor Gascone Dusant of the Congress of Calibration.
- Enchanted Accumulation: Gather runestones and runelights to aid the residents of Slag Town in the Brass Fortress.
- Fuel for our Fires: Gather synthetic oils and skimmer mesh to aid the residents of Slag Town in the Brass Fortress.
- In Search of a Sponsor: Gain sponsorship in order to become a citizen of the Clockwork City.
- Loose Strands: Gather metal strands and artificial lodestones to aid the residents of Slag Town.
- A Matter of Tenderness: Brengolin needs your help restocking his meat stores.
- A Sticky Solution: Gather fabricated husk and counterfeit coal to assist the people of Slag Town.
- Tarnished Truffles: Assist a cook aspiring to improve the limited cuisine of the Clockwork City.
- Tasty Tongue Varnish: Procure some exquisite liqueur for Brengolin.