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Location Orc's Finger Ruins
Race Argonian Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
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Faction(s) Bitterhand Bandits (formerly)

Teeba-Ja is an Argonian being held prisoner within Orc's Finger Ruins.

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You will find her in the final chamber of the ruins, tied up. She will say:

"Please, have mercy. Let me explain."

Speaking to her:

"Please do not strike me. I am not with the Bitterhand. I am as a tree buried beneath the ground, stuck in darkness and doomed to die.
I am not even a bandit … any more."
So you were a bandit before?
"Yes. I admit—I was with them, and I admit that I did bad things. I have robbed and I have beaten … but I have never just cut down an innocent person.
When the Bitterhand began this practice of murdering people, that is when I decided to leave."
What happened when you decided to leave?
"Well, as you can see, they did not like that. They say I know too much, that I cannot just float away down the river.
They will soon kill me … unless a kind soul like yourself would release me. Then I can go and put down new roots in Shornhelm."
I'll release you.

She has one more request before she leaves the ruins.

"Yours is truly a generous spirit to release me from this dark place, but I would be most ungrateful if I did not tell you the entire truth.
If I am truly to leave here—to put down new roots and find new life—more is needed to be done."
What more is needed?
"My misdeeds were not only connected with the Bitterhand. They were also entwined with another.
There is a Breton woman who was a partner of sorts. She sold the items I … acquired. She will not be happy if I try to end our arrangement."
Where is this woman?
"She is not far. She is in Fell's Run. Her name is Brigibeth. I would go speak to her myself, but she would cut me down.
I was only thinking, since you were helping me here, you might speak to her on my behalf?"
Yes. I can speak to her for you.
"As the mud is my mother, I will return your generosity, stranger.
I go from here to the chapel in Shornhelm to repent of my misdeeds. Find me there at the chapel and I will ensure you receive a fruitful reward for your help."

Once Teeba-Ja is untied, she will run to the exit:

Teeba-Ja: "Thank you. I will see you again at the chapel in Shornhelm."

She can be found in the chapel at Shornhelm after you tell Brigibeth that Teeba is quitting.

"Ah, it is good to see you, my generous friend. I came here to pray to Mara for forgiveness for my past, and it was like the clouds parted and the sun shined on my soul.
I have decided to stay and devote my life to Mara. It is a better life."
Brigibeth said she might follow your lead.
"She did? That is funny, but I do not expect she will follow through.
Regardless of her path though, I am grateful she will not interfere with mine, and for that, I have you to thank."

You can speak to her a bit more after completing the quest.

"You have cleared away the weeds so that I may set down new roots and thrive.
Someday, I hope I can do the same for another and repeat the cycle."
You really don't think Brigibeth will change her ways?
"No. For many years, I dreamt of escaping the current that carried my life, but it demanded I swim upstream, and such a sacrifice I was not willing to make … until now.
I suspect Brigibeth will not make the sacrifice, and she will not change."