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Online:Tennus Andalen

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Tennus Andalen
HomeĀ Settlement Muth Gnaar
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Tennus Andalen

Tennus Andalen is a Dark Elf found in Muth Gnaar. He seeks revenge on the Vereansu Tribe of Ashlanders for killing his father, and setting fire to the entire town.

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He will be spying on the Vereansu:

"There they are! Bastards!"

He will demand vengeance for his father who was slain by the Vereansu:

"I wish I could make them pay for what they've done!"
Make who pay? And for what?
"Those bastards up there. The Vereansu. They torched Muth Gnaar and killed my father. My brothers and I are hoping for a chance to strike back.
This is about revenge and honor."
What do you plan to do?
"That's the problem. We wanted to avenge Father's death so we split up to find a way, but I'm not that brave. There's too many of them. I'd just be throwing my life away.
You look tougher than me. Maybe you'd take this torch and burn their supplies?"
I'll find you on the road outside Muth Gnaar after the deed is done.

Speaking to him again:

"Until the Ashlander supplies are burning, we have nothing to discuss."

Tennus kneeling over a charred corpse, which is presumed to be his father's:

"Father! Oh, Father! Why did this happen to you?"
I did what you and your brothers wanted. The Ashlander supplies are burning.
"Then we are avenged. Our father is still dead, but at least the ones responsible floor his death paid a price.
Why don't I feel any better?"

After the quest:

"Thank you for doing what my brothers and I could not."