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< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Home Settlement Dawnbreak
Race High Elf Gender Female
Reaction Friendly

Tenyemanwe is a High Elf resident of Dawnbreak and the Canonreeve's wife.

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Approaching Dawnbreak for the first time, she can be heard complaining to a First Auridon Marine:

Tenyemanwe: "My husband was a fool to trust that witch."
First Auridon Marine: "He wasn't the only one, ma'am."
Tenyemanwe: "Queen Ayrenn herself was to travel through here! I spent months preparing!"
First Auridon Marine: "I'm sure she'll reschedule once Dawnbreak is rebuilt."
Tenyemanwe: "Rebuilt. Damn, Sinyon. He should have listened to me!"

She will elaborate when spoken to:

"This is unacceptable! And all my husband's fault!"
What are you talking about?
""My husband, Sinyon, is the Canonreeve of Dawnbreak. My parents thought us a good match.
But Dawnbreak is a sty, a place more fit for watering horses than raising a family. And Sinyon has turned out the fool."
A fool?
"Yes. I warned him about Estre and this Veiled Heritance. Queen Ayrenn is the rightful heir. It's our duty to follow her command.
Until Ayrenn fails us, my faith lies with her."

After completing the quest:

"It's a good thing you came along when you did. Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse. But you managed to pull us through."