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Online:Trader (A Bad Shortcut)

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Location Tamriel
Race Varies Gender Varies
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
A Female Breton Trader

The Trader is a merchant being attacked by bandits during the bad shortcut world event. A mercenary is defending the trader, who is cowering behind a horse, from the bandits.


On approach, the Trader will say a randomized line to their mercenary guard.


Trader: "Do you think this is the best time to bicker?"


Trader: "The main road! I said we should take the main road!"
Trader: "No, not that way! Swing to the left! The left!"
Trader: "You thought this was the safest route? Pah!"
Trader: "This is your fault. You let this happen!"
Trader: "This isn't what we discussed!"
Trader: "You said you'd handle any trouble!"
Trader: "Next time I hire from the Fighters Guild!"
Trader: "I won't pay a bonus for sloppy fighting!"
Trader: "We escape now, yes?"
Trader: "I knew we should have stuck to the main roads!"

They'll thank you with generic dialogue after the bandits are dead.