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Online:Trusty Hemgruuf

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Trusty Hemgruuf
HomeĀ Settlement Amenos Station
Location Amenos Station Stockade
Race Nord Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Trusty Hemgruuf

Trusty Hemgruuf is a Nord prisoner who can be found in the stockade in Amenos Station.

Related QuestsEdit

  • The Long Game: Help the Dantaines recover the treasure from the Systres Sisters Vault.

Quest-Related DialogueEdit

The Long GameEdit

If wearing a trusty disguise:

"A new trusty? The jailers never tell me anything."

If you're wearing a prisoner disguise or no disguise:

"You don't look like a prisoner. You probably shouldn't be in here, friend."

If you choose to use him as a distraction to get Trusty Yvara away from her bedroll:

[Lie] Trusty Yvara over there said you smell worse than rotmeth fermenting in a Wood Elf's bathtub.
"She said what now? Rotmeth? Hemgruff smells bad, but not that bad!
Time to deliver the ouchy-ouchies! Out of my way, friend."

He will confront Yvara and then they get in a showdown:

Trusty Hemgruuf: "Hey Yvara! Come and insult me to my face! I dare you!"
Trusty Yvara: "What are you talking about, you big oaf?"
Trusty Hemgruuf: "You said I smell worse than a Wood Elf's rotmeth!"
Trusty Yvara: "I said no such thing, but it's true. Your odor could knock out a mammoth!"
Trusty Hemgruuf: "Oh yeah? Oh yeah? Let's see how you smell without a nose!"
Trusty Yvara: "You want a fight, big boy? I'll give you a fight!"

Speaking to him while he's staring down Yvara:

"I appreciate the help, friend. A person can't let another person disrespect them and still respect themselves. I think."