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Home City Senchal
Location Senchal Merchant Square
Store Enigmatic Mysteria
Race High Elf Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
Store Type Mystic
Other Information
Faction(s) Mages Guild

Tundullie is a High Elf mystic and member of the Mages Guild who runs Enigmatic Mysteria in Senchal.


She talks about her experiences in Senchal.

"Have you seen the smaller talking Khajiit? Alfiq, they're called. I nearly fainted when what I thought was a regular house cat asked me how my day was."
"I joined the Mages Guild to see more of the world than just Summerset. Senchal has been … interesting, shall we say. Still, business has been good.""
"I have a cousin who is allergic to cats. I wonder how he would fare in the Khajiit lands. Myself, I find them quite interesting. Quirky, but interesting."
"Some guild members don't care for the duty of selling items, but I don't really mind. Better than going out and killing Dragons. Speaking of items, would you like to see my wares?"