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Online:Update 40

< Elder Scrolls Online: Patch

Released on October 30, 2023 (PC/Mac) or November 14, 2023 (PlayStation/Xbox).

Update 40 is the fortieth major update patch for The Elder Scrolls Online, and will introduce a new game system: the Infinite Archive.[1] It will likely become available on the PC/Mac Public Test Server (PTS) in September 2023. A blogpost on the website says there will be a new DLC before the end of the year,[2] though other official sources contradict this, saying there will be no new DLC. It will arrive on the live server in Winter 2023.

The developers have commented on the system, saying "Rather than the usual zone DLC, we'll be featuring a new system. We are working on the concept and design for this now; we'll give more details during our Global Reveal Event early next year." Matt Firor said that "in the fourth quarter, we want to deliver a feature that gives players the kind of content they can sink their teeth into and grind through. Stories are great. We're never gonna stop building stories. But a lot of that stuff is kind of one-and-done, where players will play through it once and then they'll be done, and we want to have some more repeatable type content that they can really kind enjoy for a long time." Firor hopes it can offset the decreased number of new dungeons compared to previous years.[3]

It may refer to:

  • Patch 9.2.5 for PC/Mac.
  • Patch 2.?? for PS4/1.17 for PlayStation 5.
  • Patch (?) for Xbox One.

Update 40Edit

New Features / Updates / Big ChangesEdit

According to Roadmap:[4]

  • New Game System: Endless Dungeon Runner, endless dungeon feature will be systemically endless. Randomness of bosses and boons will be a feature, and players can play duo or solo.[5]
  • Details Coming soon