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Achievement Furnisher
Home City Necrom
Store Final Rest Furnishings
Race Argonian Gender Male
Health 25,974
Reaction Friendly
Store Type Achievement Furnisher

Vasei is an Argonian achievement furnisher who works at Final Rest Furnishings in Necrom.


Initially speaking to him:

"Dark Elf families puzzle me. One member strives greatly to kill another. Then, after succeeding, venerates their spirit.
Perhaps I'll learn more about why this happens while selling furnishings here in Necrom?"
"Have you seen a journal around here? I found it in a drawer of one of my furnishings. The writing was gibberish, but the illustrations intrigued me.
Ah, never mind. Let's focus on your needs instead."

After completing Keeper of Fate:

"Our Dark Elf friends here are unhappy right now. Or should I say they're unhappier than usual?
I should probably look into why, but my work keeps me here."
"I have had some unsettling dreams of late. The work of Vaermina, as my friends here say, or something I ate?
Probably best not to think about that and simply focus on the task at hand. So, how can I help you today?"


Name Type Price Achievement Description
  Apocrypha Altar, Lighted (page) Gallery
0002500025,000   Reward for: Apocryphal Investigator Some scholars of Apocrypha claim that if you meditate at one of its altars, a stray piece of lost knowledge may find its way into your mind. Will this work in your home? Probably not, but you'd look suitably impressive while meditating.
  Apocrypha Courtyard Pool (page) Courtyard
(Yard Ornaments)
0001800018,000   Reward for: Secret Keeper The visions one could scry within the pools of Apocrypha sometimes cause a viewer's mind to shatter. Thankfully for you, this particular pool looks stunning, but provides no mind-breaking visions.
  Apocrypha Portal Seal, Replica (page) Undercroft
(Symbolic Decor)
0001700017,000   Reward for: Defender of Necrom If this were a real portal seal in your abode, you may end up questioning your life choices. As it stands, this replica serves as a marvelous accent in any space.
  Apocrypha Stalk, Scryeball (page) Conservatory
0001000010,000   Reward for: Necrom Master Angler Feel as if you're being watched? With these bizarre stalks around, you are. Each stalk adds an element of oddball ambience to wherever you choose to plant it.
  Apocryphal Clothier Station (page) Services
(Crafting Stations)
00150000150,000   This Apocryphal loom was crafted by the artisans of Cipher's Midden in reverence for Mora. And, of course, to practically sew garb for new initiates. This is a large house item. When placed in your home, it allows you to craft Clothing items.
  Cliff Strider Skeleton Stand (page) Gallery
0002000020,000   Set up this experiment in taxidermy and Cliff Strider anatomy in your home—just make sure to warn any guests about it before they enter its space. It's a bit … startling.
  Clockwork Wall Gears (page) Gallery
(Mounted Decor)
0001000010,000   Painstakingly removed from an outbuilding in Clockwork City, this mechanism has sustained some light damage in transit. This is a large house item.
  Crystalline Mind Barrier, Replica (page) Conservatory
(Boulders and Large Rocks)
0002500025,000   Reward for: Sanity's Edge Vanquisher Replicated painstakingly via rough description by the very few that have returned from the nightmare realms of Vaermina, this barrier is a reminder of a dark and challenging mind-realm far from the light of day.
  Dark Elf Altar, Ceremonial (page) Undercroft
(Sacred Pieces)
0001500015,000   A simple Dark Elf altar drawn from the ancient hinterlands of Deshaan. This is a large house item.
  Dormant Tyranite Calx (page) Gallery
0002000020,000   Reward for: Sharp's Companion This broken, brittle shard of tyranite calx is empty of magic and cool to the touch. Should the metal's dormancy ever change, you will be the first to know.
  Hermaeus Mora Banner (page) Parlor
0001200012,000   Reward for: Pulled from the Depths No one can entertain doubts as to your affiliation when you hang this banner featuring the Golden Eye's symbols in your home.
  Infinite Tome (page) Library
00100000100,000   No matter how many pages you turn, more remain. This is a small house item.
  Music Box, Glyphic Secrets (page) Services
(Music Boxes)
00150000150,000   When activated, plays a music box arrangement of the recondite "Glyphic Motion" composition.
  Necrom Archway (page) Structures
0001500015,000   Reward for: Necrom Master Explorer Accents of green on white stone decorate this solid archway. Anything beyond it must surely be worth seeing given its elegantly dramatic appearance.
  Necrom Stele, Ceremonial (page) Undercroft
(Symbolic Decor)
0008000080,000   Reward for: Hero of Necrom Raised only to venerate ancestors that have shaped the very fabric of a family line. Ensure your forbearers are pleased by making this classic stele the focal piece of your own shrine.
  Replica Fateweaver Key (page) Gallery
0002000020,000   Reward for: Azandar's Companion A recreation by Azandar al-Cybiades to honor the research adventure of a lifetime.
  Stone Relief, Yokudan (page) Gallery
(Mounted Decor)
0001500015,000   A relic unerthed from the ruins beneath the sands of the Alik'r Desert. This is a large house item.
  Tales of Tribute Kit, Travel (page) Gallery
0001100011,000   Reward for: Play the Paramount A testament to the increasing popularity of this Roister's club favorite, this travel kit shows your love of Tales of Tribute to all and sundry that visit your home.
  Telvanni Alchemy Station (page) Services
(Crafting Stations)
00150000150,000   With components inspired by a variety of cultures, this alchemy station not only helps you mix all manner of ingredients into useful potions, but also adds a touch of all things Tamriel to your home.
  The Lord of Fate and Knowledge Frieze (page) Gallery
0001500015,000   Reward for: Ghost Catcher Place this frieze of the Keeper of Forbidden Knowledge in a prominent place. Perhaps the One Who Knows will look upon you with favor and share some curious bit of information when you most need it. Or, perhaps not.
  Tribunal Window, Stained Glass (page) Lighting
(Enchanted Lights)
0002000020,000   Bring the light of the Tribunal into your home with this stained glass window. Featuring rich colors, this sacred art piece can serve as the focal point of your personal shrine to ALMSIVI.
  Trifold Mirror of Alternatives (page) Suite
00100000100,000   "May your wardrobe reflect the dark sophistication of this mirror trio. It's not my style, but when I look deeply into your eyes, I think it suits you more than you may think."—Fairwen of Vulkhel Guard
  Vision of Mora (page) Undercroft
(Symbolic Decor)
00100000100,000   This glimmering carving is still imbued with the latent power of the Infinite Archive. This is a small house item. When placed in your home, allows you to interact with the latent magic of the Archive.