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Online:Verdant Bristleback

< Elder Scrolls Online: Creatures
Verdant Bristleback
Location Valley of the Watcher
Species Bristleback
Health 104,000
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Condition Spirit
Verdant Bristleback

Verdant Bristlebacks are spectral green bristlebacks summoned by Timbershade in the Valley of the Watcher.

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A basic melee attack where the mountain bristleback gores you with its tusks, dealing minor physical damage..
The mountain bristleback buries one of its tusk into the ground and flings it forward, causing a tremor to rush at you, dealing moderate physical damage.
The mountain bristleback becomes enraged and starts glowing, and a conal AoE appears, before it charges forward at you, dealing moderate damage, knocking back and stunning targets in its wake. It will repeat this attack continuously until it is interrupted.